Jan 23, 2025 5:30 PM
Sherrie Keating
Community Credit Union Operations in Decorah

DRC After Hours Sponsor: Shannon Duncan

Sherrie Keating is the Community Outreach Representative for DuTrac Community Credit Union and a member of the Dubuque Rotary Club. She will be presenting information on how Decorah was chosen by DuTrac as the site for their next location, the basics of credit union operations and the services they offer, and how they differentiate themselves from banks and other credit unions.

Ms Keating is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change within the communities DuTrac serves. With 35 years of experience as a successful small business owner, she brings her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for helping others succeed to her role. Her work focuses on innovative initiatives that emphasize community engagement and impactful outreach, contributing to DuTrac's reputation as a trusted financial partner. In addition to her role at DuTrac, she serves as the Secretary and Service Committee Chair for the Rotary Club of Dubuque. Despite her many accomplishments, her most cherished title remains "Mom."

More information about DuTrac can be found at https://www.dutrac.org/.
