Feb 04, 2025 12:00 PM
John Reynolds
Ongoing Initiatives at the Porter House Museum

DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski

John Reynolds presently serves as Co-Manager of the Porter House Museum in Decorah. He plans to cover some of the museum's history and will discuss some of the initiatives underway at the museum, including a major effort to open a new exhibit of butterfly displays in keeping with Bert Porter's original dream. Mr. Reynolds will be accompanied by his Co-Manager and spouse Erica.

The Porter House was built in 1867 for the merchant Dighton B. Ellsworth (1822–1896), an English immigrant who had come to Decorah from New York in 1855. In 1898, after his death, the Ellsworth family sold the house to Francis and Emma Young. In 1904, their daughter Grace married Adelbert Field Porter (known as "Bert"), who was raised in the house across the street on Broadway, the son of George Porter and Adell Field Porter. The Young residence became the home of Bert and Grace, as well as of Francis and Emma Young, until their deaths. Bert and Grace Porter had an interest in travel, and Bert developed a natural history collection on his trips through North America, South America, and Asia. His collection, which includes morpho butterflies from South America, also includes the rock wall surrounding the property (built in part by Bert Porter) and the family's personal effects, including papers, books, furniture, and china.

Mr. Reynolds is originally from Delaware where he graduated from the University of Delaware with a history degree. He moved to Decorah by way of New York City with his spouse (a northeast Iowa native) after falling in love with the area on a visit in summer 2018. He has experience in the financial services and technology industry and has a career of serving in project managed roles.

For more about the Porter House Museum please visit their website at https://www.porterhousemuseum.org.


**Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email.