Serenity Fitness
DRC After Hours Sponsor: Brecka Putnam
Tara McConnell, owner of Serenity Fitness on Water Street, will share how she went from participating in fitness classes to owning her own gym, becoming a certified
personal trainer, certified nutritionist, and teaching classes. She will also share more information on Serenity Fitness, which opened in January of 2021 and expanded to their new location in August of 2023.
Serenity Fitness serves a variety of clients including boot camp participants, individuals with special needs, rehab patients, and more. They offer resistance equipment, cardio, weight bench, free weights, group training, personal training, and nutritional and supplement coaching. Serenity Fitness is named after the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” The motto at Serenity Fitness is come as you are and we will meet you there!
Tara moved to Decorah in 2004 to attend Luther College, met her husband in 2006, and ended up staying in the locale. Together they have two busy kids, McCoy, 10, and McKinnley, 8. She was led to Curves in Decorah by learning that she needed more resistance training to reach her fitness goals. After being a stay-at-home mom for eight years, the opportunity to own the gym presented itself and she knew that was a missing piece in her life. Tara feels blessed to have found success in her business and is passionate about cheering other local businesses on and helping them succeed. She became a Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador in 2023 and loves learning about great businesses in the area.