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Sep 28, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
This will be a working session where we discuss the calendar, talk over the budget and make some plans for our 23-24 year. The same opportunity has already occurred with our noon members. We will be combining our goals and initiatives from both groups to create a roadmap for the upcoming years.
Following this meeting, we will hold a Pork Chop Committee Meeting to close out the year. Please be prepared to provide feedback and have a discussion around what went well or didn't go well, what should change or stay the same and any new thoughts for pork chops in 2024.
Oct 03, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Meet the New Decorah Chief of Police
Oct 03, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Jim Morrow Decorah Chief of Police Patricia Thein will be honoring our club with her presence at this meeting. She will talk about her background, her goals and objectives, and take questions from our members. She has served in this role since July 17, 2023 when she was sworn in by the Decorah City Council. Chief of Police Thein brings a comprehensive set of valuable skills to Decorah Police Department. Her 26 years of experience include the Police Leadership School of Police Staff and Command from Northwestern University, Evanston, Il, an Associate of Applied Science in Police Science from Hawkeye Community College, Waterloo, IA; and Police Executive Leadership and Networking Executive Leadership from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA. Her work experience started as a Patrol Officer. She advanced from Waukon to Marshalltown, IA with a population of over 27,000. Her past skills as Police Lieutenant reflect her abilities in training police procedures and staff leadership. An engaging communicator, she has a long and noteworthy track record in departmental policy implementation. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Oct 07, 2023 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
7th annual Touch-A-Truck event. This free open house event will be held Saturday, October 7, from 11:00am to 1:00 pm, in the parking lot behind the Decorah Kids will have the opportunity to explore their favorite vehicles including police, fire and emergency vehicles, farm equipment, construction equipment, and city maintenance vehicles. Rotarians will be providing volunteers to grill hotdogs and serve food. |
An Update from Kids Lunch Club
Oct 10, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Jim Morrow Shanna Putnam-Dibble will be sharing updated news from Kids Lunch Club, an organization with which Decorah Rotary has closely aligned itself over the past year. Throughout the school year students have access to lunch at school but during summer break, many kids and families struggle with food insecurity. Kids Lunch Club serves lunches (and often breakfast too) to ensure children and youth in our community have nutritious meal opportunities throughout the summer. Kids Lunch Club expanded this past summer by not only offering meals but also partnering with local organizations throughout the summer to support family engagement through literacy activities and "pop-up" family events. Kids Lunch Club seeks partnerships with community members and organizations for single volunteer shifts, preparing and/or distributing lunches, joining the steering committee, signing up for a long term commitment, and/or making financial contributions. Shanna is the Elementary Learner Advocate for the Decorah Community School District, the Kids Lunch Club Coordinator, and teaches classes across Iowa for teachers, childcare providers and parents. She is active in the community, serving as the President of the FEC (Family, Educator, and Community Organization), a member of the Decorah Public Library Board of Trustees and the Freeport Park Committee, and volunteers with many local organizations. She lives in Decorah with her husband Andrew and their two children. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Oct 10, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Oct 12, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Rotary Youth Exchange in Germany
Oct 12, 2023 5:30 PM
DRC After Hours Sponsor: Shannon Duncan Chloe Sabin will be joining us for the Rotary After Hours to speak about her involvement in the Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE). She was one of our outbound exchange students for the 2022-2023 academic year and will be sharing her experiences in Germany during her year abroad. Through RYE, Rotary empowers young people to develop leadership skills while promoting global understanding and peace. The District 5970 RYE committee oversees and promotes youth exchanges in our district. They coordinate inbound and outbound youth exchange activities, communicate regularly with the District 5970 Governor and local clubs sponsoring exchange students, and ensures exchanges operate in accordance with Rotary requirements and local laws. --- |
Oct 17, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Luther College Financial Health and Status
Oct 17, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Jim Morrow Andrew Bailey serves as Vice President for Finance and Administration at Luther College. He will be speaking to the financial health, status, and planning at the college. In his financial leadership role, Mr. Bailey serves as the Luther College chief financial officer and is responsible for leading and directing its business operations. He is also an adviser to the president on the administrative operations of the college and for the supervision and direction of seven administrative departments and direct reports, including the associate vice president for finance, director of human resources, general manager of dining services, director of the Book Shop, director of facilities services, executive director of ITS, and director of Campus Safety. A Luther College alumnus, Mr. Bailey started his career in accounting during his student years. He was hired as a staff accountant upon his graduation from Luther, and grew into roles of increasing responsibility in the college's Office of Financial Services. He has been involved with student life, retention, and well-being through many special projects and committees. He has chaired the Invigorate Work Study Committee since 2019, which has resulted in changes to the college's work study program to foster greater student growth and development as students earn money for their studies and contribute to the college's operations. During his first years in accounting at Luther, Mr. Bailey implemented an institutional purchase card program. As Luther's grants and special projects accountant, he developed financial models that enabled the addition of a 280 kW solar array and a 1.6 MW wind turbine at the college, important steps toward achieving Luther's ambitious sustainability goals. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in accounting from Luther College and is a Certified Public Accountant. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Oct 21, 2023 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Oct 24, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Oct 26, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Join us at The Commons, the newest addition to Vesterheim, on Thursday, Oct 26 at 5:30 for an evening of fun and fellowship. Vesterheim staff will discuss their newest addition to the museum campus after which we will have a full meal and time to socialize. This event is open to all noon and after hours members along with family and friends. This is a great opportunity for members of our community to see The Commons so please invite a guest or two to join you for the evening. As we are providing a meal, we need a head count so please sign up each individual in your party. |
Oct 28, 2023 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
The Decorah Tree Board is looking for volunteers to assist with their tree planting event on Oct 28. Volunteers will meet at 8:30AM at Street Department. Parking will be on Railroad Ave. Please bring gloves and a shovel if you have them available. Planting will continue until completed however you may leave early if needed. |
A Recap from the 2023 Nordic Fest President
Oct 31, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Jim Morrow Decorah Rotarian and 2023 Nordic Fest President Ariana Cervantes will present a recap of this year's Nordic Fest event. Nordic Fest celebrates Decorah’s Scandinavian heritage and culture each year with foods, sporting events, arts and crafts displays, guided tours, the annual bunad (Scandinavian clothing) show, kids’ activities, a grand parade on Saturday morning in the downtown district, fireworks, live music and much more. Nordic Fest is a nearly whole-community effort each year. An all-volunteer board of directors do the main planning and organizing, which is made possible by year-round volunteer support. Since 1967 over 1.5 million visitors from all over the world have attended Nordic Fest in Decorah. Ariana is a 2012 graduate of Luther College. When not envelopd in Nordic Fest planning she serves the Decorah community as Store Manager for the local Hy-Vee store. ---
Oct 31, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Nov 07, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
The German-American Museum, St. Lucas
Nov 07, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Don Holmertz Clair Blong retired from 42 years of work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Defense, and other agencies. Much of his career was in interagency preparedness for defense mobilization, presidential continuity in nuclear contingencies, and natural disaster operations requiring defense support. His career included teaching at the National Defense University, defense resource mobilization planning, examining defense industry in the states of the former Soviet Union, heading FEMA's international affairs office, and coordinating military support to civil disaster operations. Mr Blong is currently devoting his energies to the development of the German American Museum, Library and Family History Center and the preservation of the architecturally significant school building. He will share information about these efforts with our members. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Nov 09, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Raptor Resource Project Demonstration
Nov 09, 2023 5:30 PM
DRC After Hours Sponsor: Shannon Duncan Dave Kester is with the Raptor Resource Project. Many of you were fortunate enough to attend Dave's noon presentation several months ago where he brought his falcon Jewel. It was amazing to hear Dave speak about his relationship with Jewel and their ongoing training. Since that time, they have completed their training and Jewel has been relocated to Door County, WI. Dave is now on to his next adventure with a new species of raptor and he will be accompanied at our meeting by his new companion. He plans to talk about the training and habits unique to this species. --- |
Nov 14, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Luther College Archeological Remote Sensing Projects
Nov 14, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Don Holmertz Colin Betts, Professor of Anthropology at Luther College, will be discussing the use of remote sensing technology to provide details about buried archaeological materials without excavating as a vital part of modern archaeology. This talk will discuss the basic principles behind remote sensing methods and show how Luther College students have used them to provide new details about two historic Winneshiek County sites: the Ice Cave Mill and the Highlandville school. Professor Betts has been with the Anthropology Department since 1999. He also serves as director of the Anthropology Laboratory. His course topics include Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Born to Run, Experimental Archaeology, and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. His research focuses on North American archaeology, mound construction, ethnicity, research methods and geophysical survey. He holds a BA in Anthropology from Luther College and an MA and PhD in Anthropology from the University of Illinois. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Nov 15, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Nov 21, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Rotary Opportunities for Community Partnership
Nov 21, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Don Holmertz Pastor David Severtson is a 2001 Luther College Graduate and the new Associate Pastor at First Lutheran Church in Decorah. He will offer a brief introduction of what has brought him back to the area, as well as what's happening at First Lutheran. Then, he will lead a discussion about what Rotarians see as the opportunities to partner in the community for engagement and service. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Nov 23, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Nov 24, 2023 4:45 PM - 9:00 PM
Nov 28, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Updated Research on Aging at Luther College
Nov 28, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Don Holmertz Stephanie Travers, Associate Professor of Psychology at Luther College, will be presenting a talk on new research on cognitive aging. She will discuss what constitutes normal changes in memory and how to maintain mental sharpness as we get older. Professor Travers has been with the Psychology Department at Luther College since 2006, focusing on memory, executive control processes, and aging and cognitive processes. Her course topics include General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Processes, and Psychology of Aging. During January Term, she leads a course on the study of adult development and aging. The course includes the physical, cognitive, and social changes that effect individuals aged 60 to 95, and examines some current findings in aging research. Professor Travers holds an AA from Bristol Community College, Fall River; a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; and MA and PhD degrees from the State University of New York, Stony Brook. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Dec 02, 2023 4:45 PM - 9:00 PM
Dec 05, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
The State of Local News
Dec 05, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Alan Lerstrom 70 million Americans now live without access to a local, community news source due to the shuttering of local newsrooms, resulting in a void of critical news and information. Lon Haenel, new owner of the local news website, will share the steps that he and his team are taking to sustain local news in and around Decorah. Lon is a digital-driven publishing executive in the local news media industry. He has done nearly everything in local news, from selling advertising to marketing subscriptions to serving as an executive for metro newspapers, like the Rockford Register Star and Columbus Dispatch. His favorite work is serving as publisher. Lon and his spouse Sarah purchased this past April from a retiring Paul Scott. Their ties to the local community and their fondness for Decorah are through Luther College, where Sarah graduated in 1994. As a new neighbor in the Decorah business community, Lon claims the feedback and warm welcomes they've received have exceeded their expectations. Lon and Sarah live in Janesville, Wisconsin. They have two daughters: Hannah, 27, is an executive sales leader in Madison and McKenna, 16, is a high school junior and plays varsity golf. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Dec 12, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Dec 14, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
We are looking forward to this year's Decorah Rotary Club Christmas Party on Thursday, December 14, at 5:30 PM, at the VFW in Decorah. Please save the date and watch for a RSVP email in a few weeks. In the meantime, our planning committees will be working on food, decorations, entertainment, and more. Everyone is invited, spouse, significant other or friend. Our food, decorating, entertainment, and cleanup committees are working like little elves to make this event spectacular. --- |
An Introduction to Allergies and Their Treatment
Dec 19, 2023 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Roger Huinker Dr Michael D'Netto is the new Allergy Specialist at the WinnMed Decorah clinic. He is looking forward to meeting our members and discussing some of the basics regarding allergic rhinitis, food and drug allergies and asthma. An allergist helps patients manage allergic and immunologic diseases. As a Mayo Clinic-trained allergist, Dr D’Netto provides testing and treatment options for infants through adults who experience food, environmental, medical, venom (insect bites or stings) and other allergies. He provides skin testing, food and medication challenges, and lung function and immune system testing. all at the WinnMed Decorah clinic. In addition, Dr D’Netto provides care for patients with asthma and skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis. Dr D'Netto received his undergratuate degree from the University of Notre Dame and his M.D. from the Ohio State University (OSU) College of Medicine. He served his residency in internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic followed by a Mayo Fellowship in Allergy and Immunology. He also holds an M.B.A. from the OSU Fisher College of Business. While at OSU he was awarded a peer-nominated professionalism scholarship to honor his "“exemplary behavior in the areas of altruism, compassion, integrity, honesty and service." He is Bronze Level certified as a Mayo Clinic Quality Fellow. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, and a member of both the American Academy and American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Dec 19, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Dec 26, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Dec 28, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Jan 02, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Weight of the Badge Program
Jan 02, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Ward Budweg Our speaker for the first Tuesday of 2024 will be Sean Snyder from Winneshiek County Emergency Management. Sean will be discussing a new program entitled "Weight of the Badge." The Weight of the Badge Program is the first of its kind in northeast Iowa. A four-hour conference dedicated to this program is scheduled for March 28, 2024 at Luther College, from 6 pm to 10 pm. The conference will focus on mental health for emergency responders (fire department, law enforcement, emergency medical services, emergency management agencies, dispatchers, jailers, and healthcare workers). Emergency responders are universally skilled at assisting callers who are seeking help in a time of need but are often reluctant to seek help for themselves. The Weight of the Badge Program represents an effort to mitigate such reluctance. Significant others/spouses are invited to accompany their first responder so they can learn first-hand how this new program can contribute to their family's well being. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Jan 09, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Guardians of Northeast Iowa
Jan 09, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Ward Budweg Ms. Brandi Brecht serves as Operations Manager for Guardians of Northeast Iowa. She will be speaking about the services their organization provides to individuals in the surrounding area and across Iowa. Additional information is available on their website at Guardians of Northeast Iowa. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Jan 11, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
This is a mid-year club discussion of club priorities, budget, projects and other related items. Attendees will consider what they would like to accomplish for the remainder of the 2023-24 Rotary year. Recommendations will be solicited for the upcoming 2024-25 Rotary year. The same opportunity will be provided during the noon meeting time and the results combined with those recorded at this meeting.
Jan 16, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Jan 16, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
This is a mid-year club discussion of club priorities, budget, projects and other related items. Attendees will consider what they would like to accomplish for the remainder of the 2023-24 Rotary year. Recommendations will be solicited for the upcoming 2024-25 Rotary year. The same opportunity will have been provided during the previous Rotary After Hours meeting and the results combined with those recorded at this meeting.
Jan 18, 2024 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us for Decorah Rotary Club's annual chili supper. The event will be held at the Decorah High School cafeteria on Thursday, January 18, 2024. Menu includes chili, hot dogs, cinnamon rolls, carrots, milk and coffee. A vegetarian option is available. Proceeds will support Rotary's donations to the Decorah Athletic Boosters, Decorah Music Boosters and high school scholarships. Tickets are $6 in advance or $8 at the door. Tickets can be purchased in advance from Rotarians or at the Chiropractic Office of Dr. Kelly Reagan.
Jan 23, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Jan 23, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Jan 25, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Guardians of Northeast Iowa
Jan 25, 2024 5:30 PM
Rotary After Hours Sponsor: Shannon Duncan Ms. Brandi Brecht and Ms. Sherri Carolan are associated with Guardians of Northeast Iowa. They will be speaking about the services their organization provides to individuals in the surrounding area and across Iowa. Additional information is available on their website at Guardians of Northeast Iowa. --- |
Jan 30, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Psychiatric Medical Care
Jan 30, 2024 12:30 PM
DRC Sponsor: Ward Budweg The Psychiatric Medical Care (PMC) hospital-based outpatient group therapy program, Senior Life Solutions, is designed to meet the unique needs of older adults struggling with depression, anxiety, and/or other mental health challenges often associated with aging. Services include a confidential, comprehensive assessment, group/individual/family therapy options, medication education and management, and after-care planning where PMC continues to engage and support participants. Kimberly Keck, RN, has been a nurse for 12 years, one year as an LPN and the last eleven as a Registered Nurse. She started her nursing career in Home Health and specialized in pediatrics for three years. She then changed things up a bit and worked in Long Term Care (LTC) for eight years. Her first position was as Charge Nurse and then she worked her way up through the ranks to Minimum Data Set Coordinator, Assistant Director of Nursing, and the last five years in LTC as the Director of Nursing. She has been with PMC for just short of a year as the Program Director. Ms. Keck is joined for this speaking engagement by Holly Reilly, a Program Therapist with PMC. Ms. Reilly received her B.A. in Psychology from the University of Iowa in 1994 (go Hawks!) and her M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Mt. Mercy University in 2015. For more information on Psychiatric Medical Care, please visit --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
"Rhymes with Decorah" Podcast
Feb 06, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski Since 2007 Benji Nichols and his spouse Aryn have been the owners and creative catalysts of Inspire(d) Media, a quarterly publication featuring the positive people, places, and projects of the Driftless Region (NE Iowa, SE Minnesota, and SW Wisconsin). Benji will be joining us to share information about another labor of love that began in May of 2022 -- the "Rhymes with Decorah" Podcast. The "Rhymes with Decorah" Podcast features positive stories, profiles, and exploration of challenges across the upper midwest and beyond. Since its inception over 57 individual podcasts have been released to the public. As Benji states, "The brainstorming session that my wife Aryn, our daughter Roxie, and I had for this podcast title was epic. It could have been called "Nichols & Sense", "Parts Missing", "Dogs, Beer, and bicycles", or "Nichols de Gallo" - But "Rhymes With Decorah" won out. Because after all - what rhymes with Decorah? Our goal is to tell the stories of the communities in our region, share the challenges and successes -- and find a way forward -- together. That's what life in the rural midwest is all about." For more information on the "Rhymes with Decorah" Podcast please see the website at --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Feb 06, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Feb 08, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Prioritizing Mental Health
Feb 08, 2024 5:30 PM
After Hours Sponsor: Brecka Putnam Rotary International President R. Gordon R. McInally has named prioritizing mental health as one of his three presidential initiatives that create hope in the world. This cause is particularly timely for Iowans, as death by suicide rates have increased nationwide and Iowa mental health providers struggle to keep up with demand for their services. |
Feb 13, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Leading Communications at Luther College
Feb 13, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski Luther College President Jenifer K. Ward appointed Bill Smith as Vice President for Communications at Luther College on October 16, 2023. He serves as the head of the newly constituted Division of Communications, which encompasses the offices of Marketing and Communications as well as Campus Programming. Dr. Smith will be visiting our club to share his insights into his role at the college, the current state of affairs, and future plans. Dr. Smith came to Decorah from Arkansas State University (ASU) where he served since 2013 and most recently as Chief Communications Officer. At ASU, he led external and internal communications efforts. He initiated a visual branding program, served as primary university spokesperson and managed crisis communications. For his work in university communications, he has won multiple regional awards from the Council for the Support and Advancement of Education (CASE). He is a historian as well as a communications expert. Dr. Smith holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Arkansas, as well as an M.A. in History and a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He has taught history at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, and at Northwest Arkansas Community College. For the regional National Public Radio affiliate in Northwest Arkansas, he created and co-hosted a monthly “We’re History” radio program reflecting on the use of history in popular culture. His scholarly areas of expertise are in U.S. diplomatic and military history as well as 20th-century U.S. and European history. As a crisis communications expert, he holds certifications in public information and the incident command system from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He achieved the National Weather Service’s StormReady Campus certification for Arkansas State in 2017 and 2022. An avid cyclist, Dr. Smith holds a certification as a safety course instructor from the League of American Bicyclists, and he has served as board president of the Northeast Arkansas Bicycle Coalition. His cycling interests brought him to Iowa in 2018 to complete RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa). --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Feb 20, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Driftless Multimedia LLC - Decorah Newspapers
Feb 20, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski Since May 2021 Kate Klimesh has been the owner and managing editor of Driftless Multimedia, LLC, established at the time her family purchased Decorah Newspapers, the publishing company serving as the souce of the Decorah Public Opinion and the Driftless Journal. Ms. Klimesh will share how she got into the business, describe the workings of Driftless Multimedia, and talk about her vision of the future media landscape. In the three years prior to ownership of Driftless Multimedia, Ms. Klimesh worked as Administrator of the Rowley Masonic Community; as Nursing Home Administrator for Continuum Health Care Services; and as Administrator of the Riceville Community Rest Home. Prior to 2018, she worked for over a decade in Business Development at Aase Haugen Senior Services in Decorah. A native of Spillville, Ms. Klimesh received her B.A. in Biology, Psychology, and English from Luther College in 1992. She subsequently completed the Nursing Home Administrator Course through Des Moines Area Community College in 2017. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Feb 22, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Riverview Center
Feb 22, 2024 5:30 PM
DRC Sponsor - Shannon Duncan Raechel Miller, volunteer coordinator at Riverview Center, will be joining us to discuss the services Riverview Center offers to the community and possible volunteer opportunities for our club. Riverview Center offers counseling and therapy to survivors of sexual violence in Iowa and to survivors of sexual and/or domestic violence in Illinois. When a survivor decides that counseling or therapy is part of their healing journey, they are given choices. Riverview Center therapists create service plans based on the needs and wishes of the client, including treatment goals that the therapist and survivor agree on. Therapists will never force a survivor to discuss experiences that they are not ready to talk about; instead, therapists guide the survivor toward their picture of healing at the survivor’s pace. Therapy and counseling services are available for child, teen and adult survivors, and for friends and family of the survivor. Sessions can be one-on-one, with family or in a group setting, depending on the client’s preference and comfort level. Therapy and counseling take place within the privacy of our offices or in an agreed upon, confidential location in the community that is convenient and comfortable for the survivor. Each session is centered by the needs and wishes of the client, including goals, types of therapy methods, and timeline. While one survivor may need a place to discuss their experience in a safe environment, another may benefit from using art or sand tray therapy to process the abuse. This service may last weeks, months, or years, depending on the survivor’s needs. The path to healing is not linear; rather, it takes a unique shape for each survivor. For more information, please visist |
Feb 27, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
The Inner Workings of KVIK Radio
Feb 27, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski Les Askelson is the General Manager and locally well-known morning co-host voice at KVIK Radio in Decorah. He will be sharing information on the business and broadcasting developments at the station and provide insight into its day-to-day operations. Les was born and raised on a farm in northeast Iowa. He graduated from Brown Radio Broadcasting in 1971. He has worked at WCCI in Savannah, IL, KCRG in Cedar Rapids, and KDEC in Decorah. He contributed 20 years of local public service as a County Supervisor for Winneshiek County and served two terms as Chairman, from 1997-2005 and again from 2011-2013 . His familiar voice may be heard as the track announcer for the Upper Iowa Speedway and sub-track announcer at the Iowa Speedway in Newton. Formerly owned by Wennes Communications, longtime owner Greg Wennes exited the company in 2021 and in the process agreed to give up his 69% stake in six Wennes Communications stations and translators in Decorah and Waukon for $2.5 million in compensation. Concurrently, Les was able to increase his share of the ownership to a majority interest in KVIK and KNEI and retain his role as General Manager. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Mar 03, 2024 2:15 PM - 4:45 PM
The Wisonsin Singers are coming to Decorah! Wisconsin Singers is the only UW ensamble that combines song, dance, theater technology and leadership opportunities into one unparalleled opportunity. We are blessed to have this opporutnity because a former Decorah high school student is a part of teh group. To learn more, visit |
Archeological Remote Sensing at Highlandville School
Mar 05, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Kim Bonnet Dr. Colin Betts, Professor of Anthropology at Luther College, will be discussing the use of remote sensing technology to provide details about buried archaeological materials without excavating as a vital part of modern archaeology. Last November he shared fascinating details on a project investigating the history of the Ice Cave Mill. This talk will show how Luther College students have used these remote sensing techniques to discover details about the historic Highlandville School. Dr. Betts is a Luther alumnus and has been a professor in the anthropology department since 1999. He also serves as the director of the Anthropology Laboratory. Some of his course topics include Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Born to Run, Experimental Archaeology, and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. His research focuses on North American archaeology, mound construction, ethnicity, research methods and geophysical survey. His research is focused on the late prehistoric and early historic period in Northeast Iowa. The Upper Iowa valley has a fascinating and rich archaeological heritage that spans thousands of years of human habitation and provides an ideal natural laboratory for conducting research with students. His recent activities have focused on using a combination of archaeological and historic resources identifying the ethnic dimensions of the area’s most recent inhabitants as well as on understanding how the construction and use of mounds served both in the construction of the cultural landscape and as means of dealing with the impacts of European contact. He obtained his Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Illinois (U of I) at Urbana-Champaign in 2000. He also holds an M.A. from U of I and a B.A. in Anthropology and History awarded by Luther College in 1993. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Mar 05, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Mar 12, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
Oneota Community Cooperative 50th Anniversary
Mar 12, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Kim Bonnet Oneota Community Cooperative (Co-op) General Manager Nate Furler and Marketing Outreach Coordinator Tanya O'Connor will be providing some history and an update on the inner working of the Co-op on the 2024 occasion of its 50th year of service to the local community. They will share ways for local community members to be involved in the 50th Anniversary celebration. The Oneota Co-op is a community-owned grocery store. It follows seven internationally recognized cooperative principles that serve as guidelines by which co-ops put their values into practice, including a democratically elected board of directors. The local Co-op prioritizes the building of bonds between the people who supply their products and the people who use them. It includes a commitment to local producers and other companies with a dedication to healthy food and goods, the quality of life for those who produce these things, and the impact of production on our planet. For more information about the Oneota Co-op please visit their website at --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Mar 14, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Serenity Fitness
Mar 14, 2024 5:30 PM
DRC After Hours Sponsor: Brecka Putnam Tara McConnell, owner of Serenity Fitness on Water Street, will share how she went from participating in fitness classes to owning her own gym, becoming a certified Serenity Fitness serves a variety of clients including boot camp participants, individuals with special needs, rehab patients, and more. They offer resistance equipment, cardio, weight bench, free weights, group training, personal training, and nutritional and supplement coaching. Serenity Fitness is named after the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” The motto at Serenity Fitness is come as you are and we will meet you there! Tara moved to Decorah in 2004 to attend Luther College, met her husband in 2006, and ended up staying in the locale. Together they have two busy kids, McCoy, 10, and McKinnley, 8. She was led to Curves in Decorah by learning that she needed more resistance training to reach her fitness goals. After being a stay-at-home mom for eight years, the opportunity to own the gym presented itself and she knew that was a missing piece in her life. Tara feels blessed to have found success in her business and is passionate about cheering other local businesses on and helping them succeed. She became a Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador in 2023 and loves learning about great businesses in the area. --- |
Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce 100th Anniversary
Mar 19, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: Kim Bonnet Jessica Rilling, Executive Director of the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce (DACC) will be speaking on the history of the organization, its contributions to the local community, and plannd special events that will celebrate the 100th year of its existence. The DACC mission is to be the most trusted resource in the business community for advocacy, collaboration, and education. For 100 years, their vision has been to shape and inspire a vibrant business community holding on to four core values: (1) integrity of leadership; (2) responsiveness to business needs; (3) service as a dependable partner for area businesses and community organizations; and (4) commitment to serving members and the community. Since 1924, the DACC’s has focused on keeping the Decorah area business community strong. Today, they represent more than 300 area businesses. Their membership spans every sector of business including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, restaurants, wellness, service, and visitor attractions. For more information on the DACC please visit their website at --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Mar 19, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.
An Update from the Depot Outlet
Mar 26, 2024 12:00 PM
DRC Sponsor: John Anderson Board members Jessica O'Mara, Gunnar Schwarz, and Nicole Schissel will be on hand to present information on the latest developments at the Depot Outlet. They will provide a general overview of the history of the Depot Outlet, how their board is structured, what they collect and sell, the number of employees and volunteers, and their granting process including the recent history of their benevolent giving and the process through which the grant proposals are adjudicated. They will also share insights into their future plans and use of new space. The mission of the Depot Outlet is to encourage and assist generous area residents in recycling their discarded clothing, small household goods, furniture, and books and offer those items for sale at a low price. The goal is to provide area residents with opportunities to volunteer, train, and work in the organization’s recycling efforts. With the funds generated, the Depot Outlet provides grants to non-profit organizations throughout Winneshiek County. Since 1973, over $2.5 million has been “recycled” by the Depot Outlet back to the community. Prior to 1984, volunteers were completely responsible for their day-to-day operations after which paid employees along with the volunteers comprised their staffing. Today there are over 25 full- and part-time employees along with many volunteers responsible for their ongoing success. --- **Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting, preferably not later than close of business Monday. Our face-to-face meeting will be hosted at the VFW. The meal sign-up, meeting announcment, and any other logistical information will be distributed in advace to all members by email. |
Mar 26, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Click HERE to see information about today's Program presentation.