Feb 25, 2025 12:00 PM
Tricia Thein
Royal Family Kids Camp of Northeast Iowa

DRC Sponsor: Lorraine Borowski

Decorah Chief of Police Tricia Thein will be visiting our club to talk about the Royal Family Kids Camp of Northeast Iowa.

Royal Family KIDS (RFK) develops camps across the country and internationally, with the goal of offering weeks of camp to every 6-12 year old in foster care each summer. In addition to camp, these foster kids have the opportunity to participate in club time and 9-month mentor programs. Since 1985, RFK has been offering free week-long summer camps for children of abuse or neglect who have been placed in foster care. For many of these children a week at summer camp is a first. It is a life changing experience for the kids. RFK currently has 175 camps operating, 150 across the U.S. and 25 in other parts of the world. Thus far over 63,000 campers have attended a one week camp.

Chief Thein has 27 years of law enforcement experience including her leadership role in the Decorah Police Department. She attended the Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command as well as other training through the Southern Police Institute. She has served as a school resource officer, crime scene processor, crisis negotiator team leader, peer support team leader, Lieutenant of Investigations, and Lieutenant of Patrol Services. Her passion in law enforcement has always been juvenile law/family services, and she is a strong advocate for victims of crime.
