Decorah Rotarians (L-R) Ron Snell, Bruce Ventura, Tina Hall, and Mark Faldet prepare to plant an Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
On Saturday, October 28 several of our Decorah Rotarians convened with Tree Board members from the City of Decorah to plant young trees in the boulevards around the town. The City maintains an active tree planting program that strives to establish a broad diversity of attractive tree species, replace those lost to wind damage and infestations like the emerald ash borer, and maintain the beauty of our community. Participating Rotarians included John Anderson, Mark Faldet, Larry Grimstad, Tina Hall, Gary Mineart, Uwe Rudolph, Ron Snell, and Bruce Ventura.
Additional photos may be found using this link: City of Decorah Fall 2023 Tree Planting Day
Photo credit: Gary Mineart