Rotary Sunflower Discovery Center Project Dedication

(L-R) Lorraine Borowski, Decorah Rotarian and Mayor, City of Decorah; Phil Iversen and Mike Huinker, Co-Presidents, Decorah Rotary Club; John Schroeher, Sunflower Board Member and Fundraising/Building Project Committee; Stephanie Fromm, Executive Director, Winneshiek County Development and Tourism and President, Sunflower Board of Directors; Holly Benda, Sunflower Executive Director
Representatives from the Decorah Rotary Club and the Sunflower Child Development and Discovery Center convened on Thursday, September 5 at 4 pm to celebrate the culmination of the 2024 Rotary project supporting the new Discovery Center facility. The Rotary Club’s additions to the Discovery Center include a large playhouse with balcony, a smaller “drive-through” playhouse, indoor safety perimeter fencing to delineate the toddler play area, and a K’nexTM Building Station incorporating a six-foot-tall ferris wheel inherited by Sunflower from the former Donlon’s toy store in Decorah.
To bring the project to fruition the Decorah Rotary Club secured a grant from Rotary District 5970 and contributed its own matching funds to achieve the $10,000 needed for the project. This contribution was featured at the Thursday event in the presentation of a ceremonial check from the club. Rotary Club members also contributed nearly 250 hours of labor and all of the detailed design and construction expertise required for the project. Spahn and Rose Lumber in Decorah assisted Rotary by providing discounted raw materials.
The Sunflower Discovery Center, slated to open in October, will be an interactive children’s museum. It aligns with Goal #5 in the City of Decorah’s Iowa Great Places Vision Plan by creating a “Quality Gathering Space” for children and families, especially important given there are currently no such indoor play spaces in Decorah or Winneshiek County. The Discovery Center will have at least six themed Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Music, and Math (STEAM) learning centers. It will prioritize active learning through movement, exploration, and play, with indoor-age-appropriate playgrounds and active learning and exploration areas.
Our club extends its sincere thanks to the following organizations and individuals: Rotary District 5970 for supporting the club's district grant proposal; construction lead Rotarians Kent Klocke and Bruce Ventura without whom the success of the project would not have been possible; Rotary Sunflower Project committee members Larry Grimstad, Mike Huinker, Gary Mineart, Paul Mullen, Kathleen Ritner, Kelsey Vanney, and Bruce Ventura; Kelsey Vanney and her associate Rolf Peterson for the design inspiration behind the large playhouse; Rotarians Tina Hall, Phil Iversen, John Moeller, Diana Morrow, Jim Morrow, Paul Mullen, Uwe Rudolf, and Mark Swanson for their materials transportation and painting energy and expertise; and Sunflower Child Development and Discovery Center Board of Directors and staff members Stephanie Fromm, John Schroeher, Holly Benda, and Daiton Johnson for their spirit of cooperation, guidance, and willingness to share their valuable time with our team.
Photos of the entire "soup-to-nuts" construction process and dedication may be found in the companion album Rotary Sunflower Discovery Center Project.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Rotary Sunflower Discovery Center Project Dedication 2024-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Native Hallie Johnson Awarded $50,000 Rotary Global Scholarship

(L-R) Rotary District 5970 Governor Shannon Duncan, Hallie Johnson, brother Erik Johnson, and parents Bonnie and Chris Johnson
The Decorah Rotary Club, Rotary District 5970, and Rotary International are excited to recognize Hallie Johnson as the recipient of a $50,000 Rotary 2024-2025 Global Scholarship. Beginning in the fall of this year, Hallie will pursue her MSc degree in Comparative Education and International Development at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She is a Decorah native and a 2023 graduate of Luther College. She just returned to Decorah after spending her senior year at a classical voice conservatory in Kristiansand, Norway. At Luther, she majored in English and Nordic studies with a minor in International Studies. Hallie plans to apply her advanced degree and international experience in a career focused on Education Policy. In her free time, she loves oil and watercolor painting, cooking, singing, and reading crime novels.
The Rotary Global Grant Scholarship Program is competitive and supports exceptional students dedicated to pursuing a career in an area of great humanitarian need and who demonstrate a personal, long-term commitment to measurable, sustainable change. A Rotary global grant scholarship funds graduate-level coursework or research at a university outside of North America. The scholarship helps defray the costs of travel, tuition and fees, room and board, and educational supplies for one to four years of study. Rotary’s global scholars intend to pursue a career that aligns with one of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Humanitarian Focus. Global grant scholars' graduate-level educational goals support this career interest. Candidates are selected based on (1) excellent leadership skills and potential; (2) a proven record of success in their academic field or vocation; (3) a commitment to community service; (4) well-defined and realistic goals; (5) concrete ideas for advancing within their chosen field; and (6) sincerity about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the scholarship period.
A key feature of global grant scholarships is the partnership between the district or club in the study location and the district or club in the scholar’s home country. For Hallie's tenure in Scotland, the Decorah Rotary Club is serving as her home club. The partner Rotary club hosting Hallie during her studies is the Portobello Rotary Club in Musselburgh, Scotland.
The University of Edinburgh has been influencing history since it opened the gates to its first students in 1583. Following the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th Century, the University found itself a world leader in rigorous, reasoned academia and critical thinking. As a result of the determination and courage of many Edinburgh intellectuals, established facts and superstitions about the world were boldly and consistently challenged. David Hume, philosopher, economist and essayist became widely known for his groundbreaking philosophical skepticism and empiricism. Joseph Black was recognized as the chemist behind the discovery of latent heat and carbon dioxide. James Hutton, a Scottish farmer and naturalist, became known as the ‘Father of Modern Geology’ during his association with the University. It was also at Edinburgh that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the character Sherlock Holmes, and James Young Simpson pioneered anaesthetics through his discovery of the properties of chloroform. More recently, theoretical physicist and Professor Emeritus Peter Higgs was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1964 prediction of the Higgs Boson. Through the achievements of its staff and students, the University has continued to present cutting-edge research, inspirational teaching and innovative thinking as its central ethos, attracting some of the greatest minds from around the globe. 
See and enjoy Hallie's interview with Chris Lindell, District 5970 Chair of the Global Peace and Scholarship Committee HERE.
Decorah Native Hallie Johnson Awarded $50,000 Rotary Global Scholarship 2024-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Decorah Rotary Trout Run Trail Tour Day

Decorah Rotarian Brecka Putnam (left) gives her best wishes to trail riders (L-R) Laurie Burke, Kelsey Hagen, Marshall Rogne, and Janet Daley
The Decorah Rotary Club hosted its Trout Run Trail (TRT) Tour Day this year on Tuesday, August 13th. This annual event provides an opportunity for local senior citizens, those with physical limitations, and anyone with limited access to the TRT to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit. Nearly 125 local community members came out and filled the available seats for each of multiple scheduled trail loops. The weather was perfect and the scenery spectacular. Participants enjoyed coffee and rolls breakfast and tasty barbecue luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery pavilion.
Our club extends its thanks for the leadership provided by these members: Mike Huinker (overall coordination, machine and driver coordinator, and TRT 28-E Committee liaison); Dacia Monson (tables and chairs); Bill Courtney (appointments and reservations coordination); and Shannon Duncan and Ward Budweg for delicious food preparation.
Our club also thanks all of our member volunteers who supported this event: John Anderson, Don Arendt, Lorraine Borowski, Darrel Branhagen, Ward Budweg, Brielle Buresh, Rachael Buresh, Bill Courtney, Shannon Duncan, Maureen Dunklee, Phil Iversen, Kent Klocke, Alan Lerstrom, John Moeller, Uwe Rudolf, Kelly Reagan, Kathleen Ritner, Roger Huinker, and J.T. Vogel. 
A special thanks to the following individuals who donated the use of their off-road vehicles and the time to drive: Decorah Kawasaki and Larry Hauber, Tom Kuennen, John Kerndt, Paul Nichols, Tade Kerndt, Greg Rude, Kevin Dykstra, and Les Askelson. Thanks also to additional drivers Mike Harman,  Harlan Satrom, Bill Brenning, Dacia Monson and Roger Huinker.
For more photos of the event see the companion photo album at DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2024.
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
2024 Decorah Rotary Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2024-08-15 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Decorah Rotary Pork Chop Fundraiser

(L-R) Decorah Rotarians Tina Hall and Kim Bonnet serving two of the many happy Rotary pork chop customers during Nordic Fest 2024
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) hosted its third annual Pork Chop Fundraiser at both the 2024 Winneshiek County Fair on July 9-13 and again during Decorah's 2024 Nordic Fest on July 26-28. By 9:45 pm on the final day of Nordic Fest every single chop had been sold to a happy customer. As in the past, the two combined events excelled at quantities served, funds raised, good fellowship shared, and satisfied customers. The club extends its heartfelt thanks to the DRC leadership who planned, coordinated, organized, and purchased, along with the multitude of Rotary volunteers manning the booths and the generous support of close friends and partner organization volunteers assisting with the grilling, providing cooler space, etc. The list of names is far too long to enumerate but our club thanks each and every one!
For a variety of candid photos of our volunteers in action, check out the companion photo album: Rotary Pork Chop Booth 2024 - County Fair and Nordic Fest.
Photo credits: various
2024 Decorah Rotary Pork Chop Fundraiser 2024-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars

Each year the Decorah Rotary Club sponsors scholarships for local graduating seniors. At this year's ceremony held at the Decorah High School our club awarded two scholarships of $2500 each and extends its sincere congratulations to recipients Brynn Storhoff and Corina Timm.
If you know these students or their families please reach out to them and offer your congratulations. We hope to have them join us during a future meeting and allow them to share their plans and aspirations with us.
2024 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars 2024-05-09 05:00:00Z 0

Completion of the DRC Binzebo Trail Hub at Carlson Park

The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) is proud to be the first major donor to this new, completed phase of development at Carlson Park in Decorah--the Binzebo Trail Hub located just south of IA-9 near Pleasant Ave. The club succeeded in obtaining a $5,000 grant from Rotary District 5970 and contributed $7,000 of matching funds to cover the cost of the binzebo, which is the first element in the new phase of Carlson Park development. The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department has created an endowment fund with the Winneshiek County Community Foundation with a goal of raising $250,000 to complete the initial phases of development. This endowment fund accepts gifts from the entire Decorah community supporting the park's development and maintenance. DRC funds are raised through the dedicated volunteer efforts of its members at events such as pork chop sales at the Winneshiek County Fair and Nordic Fest and the annual DRC Chili Supper.
Our club extends its sincere thanks to Rotary District 5970 for their assistance and sponsorship, to Decorah Human Powered Trails for their extensive volunteer efforts and provision of tools and supplies, to the Decorah Parks and Recreation staff for their leadership and vision for Carlson Park, and to all of our members who have freely given their time, talent, and resources to bring this project to fruition.
For images of the construction please visit the companion photo album at Decorah Rotary Club Binzebo Trail Hub.
Photo credits: various
Completion of the DRC Binzebo Trail Hub at Carlson Park 2024-03-06 06:00:00Z 0

Decorah City Tree Planting Day

Decorah Rotarians (L-R) Ron Snell, Bruce Ventura, Tina Hall, and Mark Faldet prepare to plant an Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
On Saturday, October 28 several of our Decorah Rotarians convened with Tree Board members from the City of Decorah to plant young trees in the boulevards around the town. The City maintains an active tree planting program that strives to establish a broad diversity of attractive tree species, replace those lost to wind damage and infestations like the emerald ash borer, and maintain the beauty of our community. Participating Rotarians included John Anderson, Mark Faldet, Larry Grimstad, Tina Hall, Gary Mineart, Uwe Rudolph, Ron Snell, and Bruce Ventura.
Additional photos may be found using this link: City of Decorah Fall 2023 Tree Planting Day
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Decorah City Tree Planting Day 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Fall 2023

The Fall 2023 Decorah Rotary Roadside Clean-Up crew, getting ready for action (not pictured: Roger Huinker, Jim Morrow, and Brecka Putnam)
Twice per year Decorah Rotarians and guests from other like-minded groups come together to pick up trash along the club's designated section of Highway 9. Our crew for the Fall 2023 event, hosted on Saturday, October 21, ranged in age from 16-79 years old. Our team picked up litter from Kelly Real Estate to the roadside clean up sign located about a quarter-mile west of the intersection of Highways 9 and 52. Our club extends its thanks to everyone who participated, as well as Decorah Community School District for inviting high school students to participate, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Service Unit 616 for their multi-year partnership, and Thrivent Financial for providing coffee and breakfast for our members.
For more photos see the companion photo album at this link: Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Fall 2023
Photo credit: Brecka Putnam
Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Fall 2023 2023-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary at the 7th Annual Touch a Truck

Decorah Rotarian Brecka Putnam enjoys serving a guest and hearing all about the cool vehicles
The Decorah Rotary Club had a wonderful time at this year’s Touch a Truck event. Our crew of volunteers cooked and served over 400 hot dogs. The event gave kids and families the opportunity to get up close with vehicles from over ten different entities, like Decorah Volunteer Fire Department and Decorah Police Department. They had the opportunity to talk with the professionals that operate the vehicles and enjoy a free lunch. Our club extends its thanks to Decorah Parks and Recreation and all of the agencies and individuals who made the event possible.
For more photos from this year's Touch a Truck please see the photo album at this link: 7th Annual Touch a Truck
Photo credit: Brecka Putnam, Shanna Putnam-Dibble
Rotary at the 7th Annual Touch a Truck 2023-10-10 05:00:00Z 0

Luther College President Visits Decorah Rotary

President Ward speaking to Decorah Rotarians and guests
The Decorah Rotary Club had the honor of welcoming Luther College President Dr. Jenifer K. Ward at the club's regular meeting on Tuesday, September 19. Dr. Ward presented a summary of the strategic framework guiding the next two years at Luther College with emphasis on its guiding principles of "Expand, Align, and Strengthen." She was joined at the meeting by Luther's Vice President of Development Mary Duvall, who briefly discussed the college self-assessment taking place during the current academic year as preparation for the next capital campaign. At the conclusion of the meeting the club renewed its commitment to seek further partnership opportunities with the college.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Luther College President Visits Decorah Rotary 2023-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

2023 Decorah Rotary Trout Run Trail Tour Day

Volunteer driver Paul Nichols prepares for a circuit of the Trout Run Trail with happy passengers (L-R) Shirley Johnson, Walt Langland, and Betty Schuman during the 2023 Trout Run Trail Tour Day
The Decorah Rotary Club hosted its Trout Run Trail (TRT) Tour Day this year on Tuesday, August 15th. This is an annual event allowing an opportunity for local senior citizens, those with physical limitations, and anyone with limited access to the TRT to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit. Nearly one hundred local community members came out and filled the available seats for each of multiple scheduled trail loops. The weather was absolutely glorious making for comfortable touring and great scenery for the participants. Participants enjoyed the continental breakfast and tasty barbecue luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery pavilion.
Our club extends its sincere thanks for the leadership provided by these members: Mike Huinker (overall coordination, machine and driver coordinator, and TRT 28-E Committee liaison); Dacia Monson (breakfast and lunch coordination); Bill Courtney (appointments and reservations coordination); and Shannon Duncan (volunteer coordination).
Our club also thanks all of our member volunteers who supported this event: Cal Anderson, John Anderson, Don Arendt, Lorraine Borowski, Ward Budweg, Darrel Branhagen, Chad Evans, Joe Grimstad, Don Holmertz, Cindy Hoyme, Alan Lerstrom, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Uwe Rudolf, Ron Snell, Samantha Spilde, Michael Wilker, and Liang Chee Wee.
A special thanks to the following individuals who donated the use of their off-road vehicles and the time to drive: Tom Kuennen, John Kerndt, Paul Nichols, Tade Kerndt, Greg Rude, Randy Imoehl, Les Askelson, Dave Meyer, and Chris Redenius.
A photo album of this year's event is available and may be viewed using this link: 2023 Trout Run Trail Tour Day
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
2023 Decorah Rotary Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2023-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary's 2023 Nordic Fest Float

Decorah Rotarian Uwe Rudolph waves to the enthusiastic crowd during the 2023 Decorah Nordic Fest Parade
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) thanks all of its members who worked on the design, construction, and operation of the superb 2023 Nordic Fest float! Special acknowledgement goes to DRC member Alan Lerstrom who once again conceived of a wonderful design matching the Nordic Fest theme for this year.
For more float photos including pictures of all of the wonderful volunteers contributing to this year's float, please see the companion photo album at Nordic Fest 2023 Float and Parade.
Photo credits: various
Decorah Rotary's 2023 Nordic Fest Float 2023-08-05 05:00:00Z 0

2023 Decorah Rotary Pork Chop Fundraiser

(L-R) Decorah Rotarians Tina Hall and Brecka Putnam enjoying their shift in the Rotary pork chop booth during Nordic Fest 2023
For the second consecutive year the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) hosted its Pork Chop Fundraiser at both the 2023 Winneshiek County Fair on July 11-15 and again during Decorah's 2023 Nordic Fest on July 27-29 July. Despite ordering even more pork chops this year by the end of the final day of Nordic Fest every single chop had been sold to a happy customer. The two combined events met and exceeded expectations based on the 2022 effort for quantities served, funds raised, good fellowship shared, and satisfied customers. The club extends its heartfelt thanks to the DRC leadership who planned, coordinated, organized, and purchased, along with the multitude of Rotary volunteers manning the booths and the generous support of partner organization volunteers assisting with the grilling, providing cooler space, etc. The list of names is far too long to enumerate but our club thanks each and every one!
For a variety of candid photos of our volunteers in action, check out the companion photo album: Rotary Pork Chop Booth 2023 - County Fair and Nordic Fest.
Photo credits: various
2023 Decorah Rotary Pork Chop Fundraiser 2023-08-05 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Supports the Kids Lunch Club

Decorah Rotarians packing and sorting snack items for Kids Lunch Club
Decorah Rotarians and friends unloaded supplies and bagged snack items for Kids Lunch Club (KLC) on Thursday, May 25. The KLC Program helps up to 150 Decorah children who do not have adequate access to meals over the summer months by providing nutritious meal options every week day. KLC offers participants a main dish, fruit, veggie, and snack, and by providing meal choices food waste is reduced. The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) has designated a $5,000 grant toward this important program with Rotary District 5970 providing a matching grant. DRC is also committed to providing volunteers to support program operations. Decorah Rotarians will be at the KLC distribution sites on June 16.
For more photos of this service project see the companion photo album: Kids Lunch Club Meal Packing
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam
Decorah Rotary Supports the Kids Lunch Club 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Participates in Water to Thrive

Decorah Middle School students and staff prepare to embark on the 2023 Water Walk
Decorah Middle School (DMS) Seventh Graders walked over three miles to the Upper Iowa River on Wednesday, May 17 to carry water back to the middle school on their annual "Water Walk" for the Water to Thrive Project. Prior to the walk, the students raised over $5,000 to support construction of their fifth Water to Thrive well after reading about how women and children must walk great distances in some parts of the world to acquire potable water. The Decorah Rotary Club had earlier received a presentation from several DMS students and Global Studies teacher Carrie Reed, prompting the club to contribute financially to the cause. In addition, several Rotarians were honored to participate in the walk alongside the students. Our club thanks the DMS students and staff for their inspiration and the shared experience!
Photo credit: Decorah Middle School
Decorah Rotary Participates in Water to Thrive 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Spring Roadside Clean-Up Day

Saturday, April 15 marked the Spring edition of the Decorah Rotary Club Roadside Clean-Up Day. Twice per year the club polices the portion of Highway 9 running through the Decorah city limits, from Kelly Real Estate to a point west of JB Holland. This year our members were joined by members of Luther College's Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity and Health Sciences Club. the Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa. Western Illinois Service Unit 616 assisted with logistics and Kwik Star donated refreshments. Our club extends its sincere thanks everyone who made this event such a resounding success!
For more photos please see the companion photo album at DRC Spring 2023 Roadside Clean-up Day.
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam
Decorah Rotary Club Spring Roadside Clean-Up Day 2023-04-18 05:00:00Z 0

Around-the-World Flight Pilots Visit Decorah

(L-R) Decorah Rotarian and Program Sponsor Don Holmertz, Rotarian Pilot Peter Teahen, Decorah Rotary Club President Paul Scott, and Rotarian Pilot John Ockenfels
The Decorah Rotary Club was honored to welcome Rotarian pilots Peter Teahen and John Ockenfels at the special Decorah Municipal Airport meeting location on Tuesday, November 1. Peter and John flew their newly acquired Cessna 210 Centurion from Cedar Rapids, available for public viewing for the very first time. In May 2023, these courageous and philanthropic pilots will climb into their airplane and head east on an amazing 8-10 week, 20,000 mile around-the-world flight to raise awareness for Rotary International's polio eradication campaign. Less than 700 pilots in history have successfully circumnavigated the globe in a single engine aircraft.
The two pilots have a goal to raise $1 million with 100% of the proceeds going directly to Rotary International’s “Polio Plus” program. All flight expenses are being paid by Peter and John. When the two-man crew departs Cedar Rapids, it will become the “Flight to End Polio.” At each stop around the globe, the pilots will raise awareness by meeting with other Rotary members, humanitarian workers, and government officials to discuss the progress of polio eradication and the ongoing need for assistance for families still affected by the devastating disease.
Our club extends its sincere thanks to Peter and John for flying up to Decorah to talk about their upcoming adventure and show off their airplane. We also thank the Decorah Municipal Airport and Manager Mike Connell for hosting our lunch and meeting in the airport hanger.
More information including details of the flight, sponsorship opportunities, and ways to donate directly to Rotary International's "Polio Plus" campaign, is available on the associated "Flight to End Polio" website at
Additional photos from the meeting are in the companion photo album: Flight to End Polio Visits Decorah Rotary.
Photo credits: Gary Mineart
Around-the-World Flight Pilots Visit Decorah 2022-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

6th Annual Touch a Truck

Decorah Rotarians Jeff Tomlinson and Jacky Budweg serving at the Touch a Truck event
The 6th Annual Touch A Truck held on Saturday, October 15, 2022 was a huge success. The event is hosted by the Decorah Fire Department in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week. It allows kids the opportunity to explore their favorite vehicles including police, fire and emergency vehicles, farm equipment, construction equipment, aircraft, and city maintenance vehicles.Decorah Rotary members served 360 hot dogs with chips and lemonade to attendees. Our club extends its sincere thanks to Rotary After Hours member and volunteer fireman Jesse Reyerson for connecting our club with this event.
For more photos of the amazing vehicles on display and our Rotarians in action, please see: 6th Annual Touch a Truck
Photo credits: Decorah Volunteer Fire Department, Shannon Duncan
6th Annual Touch a Truck 2022-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean Up Day - Fall 2022

Decorah Rotarians had a busy Saturday morning on October 15th as the members participated in roadside cleanup along the designated two-mile segment of Iowa Highway 9 from Kelly Real Estate to beyond the Highway 9 and 52 intersection west of town. We extend a huge thank you to all participating Rotarians that and to partner organizations, the Girl Scouts and the Decorah High School Community Club, for helping make this event fun and successful!
For more photos please visit the companion photo album: Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Fall 2022
Photo credits: Shannon Duncan, Gary Mineart
Rotary Roadside Clean Up Day - Fall 2022 2022-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2022

The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) hosted its Trout Run Trail (TRT) Tour Day this year on Tuesday, August 30th. This is an annual event allowing an opportunity for the elderly and those with physical limitations preventing routine access to the TRT to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit. Nearly one hundred local community members came out and filled the available seats for each scheduled trail loop. The weather was absolutely glorious making for comfortable touring and great scenery for the participants. All enjoyed the tasty barbecue luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery pavilion.
Our club extends its sincere thanks for the leadership provided by these members: Dacia Monson (breakfast and lunch coordination); Alan Lerstrom (appointments and reservations coordination); Mike Huinker (machine and driver coordinator, TRT 28-E Committee liaison); Kelly Reagan (outreach coordination); and Shannon Duncan (volunteer coordination).
Our club thanks all of our member volunteers who supported this event: Cal Anderson, John Anderson, Don Arendt, Kim Bonnet, Maureen Duncklee, Ivan Hackman, Don Holmertz, Amy Loera, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Jim Morrow, Uwe Rudolf, Ron Snell, and J.T. Vogel. A special thanks to the following individuals and organizations who donated the use of their off-road vehicles and the time to drive: Tom Kuennen, John Kerndt, Paul Nichols, Tade Kerndt, Matt Johnson, Northeast Iowa Community College, Greg Rude, Kari Rude, Jeff Ode, Dave Sollien, Les Askelson, Darrell Branhagen, and Chris Redenius.
Thanks also to the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery, the City of Decorah, the TRT 28-E Committee, U-2 BBQ & Catering, and Decorah Rental for working with our club to facilitate this event. We thank all of the participants for their generous free-will donations. Finally, as always we recognize and thank the local land owners who help make the TRT such a special addition to Decorah and our community.
For photos of this event please visit the gallery at DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2022.
Photo credits: Dacia Monson, Paul Scott, Gary Mineart
DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2022 2022-09-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Donates to the Decorah Community Food Pantry

(L-R) Decorah Rotary Club Pork Chop Committee members Melissa Fuhrmann, Brecka Putnam, and Shannon Duncan presenting a check to Steve Zittergruen, Vice President of the Decorah Community Food Pantry
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) was recently honored to donate over $700 in tips from pork shop sales at the 2022 Winneshiek County Fair and 2022 Nordic Fest to the Decorah Community Food Pantry (DCFP). Steve Zittergruen, Board of Directors Vice President for DCFP, gave an excellent presentation about the organization at the most recent Decorah Rotary After Hours meeting. DRC members who served on this year's pork chop committee formally presented the Rotary donation at this meeting.
The DCFP appreciates all donations but especially so during this recent year. "There has been a tremendous uptick [in demand] this year over last. Almost 50 percent more people need our services," said Zittergruen. "A lot of people who were struggling to get by but getting by are now coming through our doors."
The DRC extends its sincere thanks to all of its pork chop booth customers for their generous tips and for making this donation possible.
To learn more about the DCFP or to make a donation please visit
Photo credit: Samantha Spilde
Rotary Donates to the Decorah Community Food Pantry 2022-08-18 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club 2022 Pork Chop Fundraiser

By all accounts the inaugural Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) Pork Chop Fundraiser was a smashing success. Held at both the 2022 Winneshiek County Fair on July 12-16 and again during Decorah's 2022 Nordic Fest on 28-30 July, the two events exceeded expectations for quantities served, funds raised, good fellowship shared, and customers made happy. Of course, none of it would have been possible without the DRC leadership planning, organizing, coordinating, and purchasing, along with the multitude of Rotary volunteers manning the booths and the generous support of partner organization volunteers assisting with the grilling, providing cooler space, etc. The list of names is far too long to enumerate but our club extends its sincerest thanks to each and every one!
For a variety of candid photos of our volunteers in action, check out the companion photo album: Rotary Pork Chop Booth 2022.
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam et al.
Decorah Rotary Club 2022 Pork Chop Fundraiser 2022-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary's 2022 Nordic Fest Float

(L-R) Stephanie Folkedahl and Shannon Duncan manning the Decorah Rotary Club's 2022 Nordic Fest float during the parade
The Decorah Rotary Club thanks all of its members who worked on the design, construction, and operation of the superb 2022 Nordic Fest float. Those members include Jacky Budweg, Ward Budweg, Shannon Duncan, Stephanie Folkedahl, Ivan Hackman, Alan Lerstrom, Paul Pasche, Brecka Putnam, Uwe Rudolph, and Jeff Tomlinson.
For more float photos please see the companion photo album at Rotary Nordic Fest Float 2022.
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam, Stephanie Folkedahl
Rotary's 2022 Nordic Fest Float 2022-08-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary donates $5,000 to Kids Lunch Club in Decorah

(L-R) Rotarian Jeff Tomlinson, his spouse Christy, and Rotarians Steph Folkedahl and Samantha Spilde at the Ice Cream Sundae Party
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) is proud to announce that Kids Lunch Club has been selected to receive $2,500 from the DRC and a matching $2,500 grant from Rotary District 5970. Area children using free and reduced lunch receive two meals per weekday at school during the school year but don’t have that option during the summer. Kids Lunch Club provides all area kids with free, fresh, and nutritious lunches throughout the summer. It was relaunched in 2022 after two years off due to COVID-19 and now includes periodic community building and enrichment activities.

“Approximately 22% of Decorah Community School District’s children receive free or reduced cost lunches during the school year,” says organizer Shanna Putnam Dibble, “but times are hard for many more families right now with increased food and gas prices.” By offering Kids Lunch Club to all youth, the program reduces the stigma of getting a free lunch and supports more families who are struggling. Local Rotarians selected Kids Lunch Club to receive these funds because of the DRC's commitment to child health, the innovative programming offered by Kids Lunch Club, and the opportunity for Rotary members to give their time. DRC members recently hosted an ice cream sundae party at Kids Lunch Club and look forward to packing lunches throughout the summer.
Photo Credit: Brecka Putnam
Rotary donates $5,000 to Kids Lunch Club in Decorah 2022-07-31 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Veterans Memorial Park Service Project

Decorah After-Hours Rotarian Jesse Reyerson collecting debris and preparing the soil for seeding at Veterans Memorial Park
Many thanks to the Decorah Rotarians who helped rake the soil, collect stones and debris, and haul dirt at the Winneshiek Veterans Memorial Association’s Winneshiek County Veterans Memorial on Thursday, June 16th. Rotary is proud to honor our veterans and support this important project, both through our District 5970 grant process and our direct service contributions. The memorial is rapidly progressing toward its completion and our club is excited to be a part of the initiative!
For more photos see the companion photo album here: Veterans Memorial Park Service Project
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam
DRC Veterans Memorial Park Service Project 2022-06-23 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Blood Drive

DRC member extraordinaire Ward Budweg at the Blood Drive, making his potentially life saving donation
On Tuesday, May 24th the Decorah Rotary Club and Decorah Lutheran Church worked together to host our first collaborative American Red Cross blood drive at the church. Thirty-three donors (six more than our goal) gave enough blood to help save 100 lives! We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who donated blood, volunteered, and provided snacks and beverages. Special thanks to the Decorah Rotary After Hours members for their overall coordination and leadership of the event.
For more photos please visit the companion photo album at Decorah Rotary Blood Drive.
Photo credits: Stephanie Folkedahl
Decorah Rotary Club Blood Drive 2022-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Spring 2022

The sizable group that participated in the Spring iteration of the Decorah Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day
This year's Decorah Rotary Club's Spring Roadside Clean-Up Day was a huge success! For the first time, we teamed up with friends from Alpha Phi Omega Mu Theta and Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Service Unit 616 for a multi-generational service commitment. Over 30 volunteers, spanning ages four to 78, joined together for fellowship and community service.
See more photos of this event in the companion photo album: Spring 2022 Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day
We extend our sincere thanks to everyone for your participation and camaraderie!
Photo credits: Brecka Putnam
Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day - Spring 2022 2022-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

District 5970 Governor Visits Decorah

The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) had the pleasure of hosting Rotary District 5970 Governor Jeff Hassman at its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 9th. Pictured are (L-R) DRC Sergeant-at-Arms John Moeller, DRC Membership Chair Nate Ersig, District 5970 Governor Jeff Hassman, DRC Past President Shannon Duncan, and DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan
District 5970 Governor Visits Decorah 2021-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Thank You 2021 Loop de Loop Participants

The Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop Team extends its sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s event! We especially sent out our appreciation to the many volunteers who made this 2021 Loop de Loop possible. If you were a visitor to town, we trust you enjoyed your time in Decorah. 
We also hope you enjoyed the new, improved race routes and the stunningly beautiful Decorah Community Prairie and Butterfly Garden as the start/stop location and base of operations. The weather could not have been more perfect for this ninth iteration of the race. 
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. Additional proceeds are used for local and international Rotary programs and activities such as scholarships to graduating high school seniors, grants to fund community needs, and international goodwill projects. This year's non-profit recipients included the Winneshiek County Memorial Association to support construction of the planned Winneshiek County Veterans Memorial in Decorah. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2021 complete race results and finisher's videos may be found on this link:
Loop de Loop Participant’s Survey may be found HERE. Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah. Your feedback is very important to us as we look ahead to 2022.
Thank you very much for supporting Loop de Loop and the Decorah Rotary Club!
Photo credit: Matt Schutte
Thank You 2021 Loop de Loop Participants 2021-10-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Cleanup Day

Volunteer Rotarians participating in the Fall Roadside Cleanup Day on Saturday, October 9th. Front Row (L-R): Paul Mullen, Liang Chee Wee, Shannon Duncan, Brecka Putnam, and Brigitte Cornelius. Back Row (L-R): John Anderson, Roger Huinker, John Moeller, Ward Budweg, Larry Grimstad, and Uwe Rudolph. Not pictured: Elliot Christen, Don Holmertz, and Gary Mineart
On Saturday, October 9th member volunteers from the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) gathered together for the Fall 2021 instantiation of the Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day. DRC provides services for the portion of Highway 9 between the Kelly Real Estate building and a point up the hill to the west of the Decorah Auto Center. The group was greeted with superb weather and enjoyed the opportunity for community service and camaraderie. Special thanks to Ward Budweg for his superb coordination and leadership of the effort.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Rotary Roadside Cleanup Day 2021-10-10 05:00:00Z 0

Touch A Truck Service Project

Decorah Rotarians on the serving line at the Touch A Truck event - (L-R) Shannon Duncan, Stephanie Folkedahl, Melissa Fuhrmann, Brecka Putnam, and Lorraine Borowski. Not pictured is Jeff Tomlinson
Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) members members volunteered to serve food at the Touch A Truck event on Saturday, October 9th. This event provided an opportunity for families to explore their favorite service vehicles including police, fire and emergency vehicles, construction equipment, farm equipment, tow trucks, and city maintenance equipment. DRC extends its thanks to Decorah Parks and Recreation, the Decorah Police Department, the Decorah Volunteer Fire Department, and everyone else who helped make this great community event possible.
Photo credit: Blake Moen
Touch A Truck Service Project 2021-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Vesterheim Heritage Park Tour

Vesterheim President/CEO Chris Johnson explains the ship-like pattern of the Restauration welcome patio during the Heritage Park tour
Decorah Rotary Club members were treated to a splendid tour of the new Heritage Park expansion of the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah on Tuesday, October 5th. Vesterheim President/CEO Chris Johnson led the tour and shared his intimate knowledge of the planning and construction of Heritage Park as well as its buildings, structures, and landscape architecture. The tour was capped off by a great picnic lunch provided by Rubaiyat Restaurant. The club extends its sincere thanks to Chris and the Vesterheim staff for hosting us on such a beautiful autumn day!
Learn more about Vesterheim's new Heritage Park at - Exhibits
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Vesterheim Heritage Park Tour 2021-10-05 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2021

DRC Rotarian Mike Huinker prepares to pilot his vehicle on a loop of the Trout Run Trail with his cargo of excited passengers
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) hosted the always popular Trout Run Trail (TRT) Tour Day this year on Tuesday, August 24.  This is an annual event allowing an opportunity for the elderly and those with physical limitations preventing routine access to the TRT to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit. Nearly one hundred local community members came out and filled the available seats for each scheduled loop of the Trail. Thankfully the weather cooperated with rain-free skies and cool breezes. Everyone enjoyed the superb barbecue luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery pavilion.
Our Club extends its sincere thanks for the leadership provided by these members: Mike Huinker (overall event coordination, TRT 28-E Committee liaison, vehicle and equipment arrangements), Alan Lerstrom (registration, communications, and outreach); Maureen Duncklee and Dacia Monson (food and drink arrangements); Kelly Reagan (outreach); and Shannon Duncan (volunteer coordination).
We thank all of our member volunteers who provided on-site support of this event: Cal Anderson, Don Arendt, John Baker, Elliot Christen, Brigette Cornelius, Maureen Duncklee, Shannon Duncan, Ivan Hackman, Tina Hall, Don Holmertz, Mike Huinker, Roger Huinker, Phil Iverson, Ashley Klocke, Maury Lenz, Alan Lerstrom, Amy Loera, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Dacia Monson, Kelly Reagan, Samantha Scholtes, Ron Snell, and J.T. Vogel.
A special thanks to the following individuals who donated the use of their off-road vehicles: Les Askelson (x2), John Kerndt, Tade Kerndt, Tom Kuennen, Dolly Panos, Vic Pinkney (volunteer driver), Paul Nichols, and Chris Redenius.
Thanks also to the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery, the City of Decorah, the TRT 28-E Committee, U-2 BBQ & Catering, and Decorah Rental for working with our Club to facilitate this event. We thank all of the participants for their generous free-will donations.
Finally, as always we recognize and thank the local land owners who help make the TRT such a special addition to Decorah and our community.
For more images from this event see the companion photo album: DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2021
Photo credits: Gary Mineart, Don Holmertz
DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2021 2021-08-25 05:00:00Z 0

2021 Nordic Fest Parade

(L-R) DRC Rotarians Nate Ersig, Alan Lerstrom, and Don Arendt staging this year's Nordic Fest Parade float
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) continued its traditional participation in Nordic Fest, hosted in Decorah on July 22-24 2021. The "Cheers Internationally" float theme, along with the bead give-aways and the renowned DRC T-shirt cannon, were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the multitude of parade watchers.
Our club thanks those who participated in the design, construction, and operation of this year's float: Don Arendt, Darrell Branhagen, Ward Budweg, Shannon Duncan, Nate Ersig, Alan Lerstrom, Jorga Folkedahl, Stephanie Folkedahl, Ivan Hackman, Jeff Tomlinson, Ivan Hackman, Tina Hall, Kelly Reagan, and Uwe Rudolph. Special thanks to Alan for the design inspiration, Ward for providing the construction venue, and Don, Shannon, Nate, Alan, Steph, Jeff, and Tina for their participation in the parade.
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
2021 Nordic Fest Parade 2021-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Picnic

Decorah Rotarians and their guests gathering at Whalen Cabin in Phelps Park
After a long year+ of social distancing the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) enjoyed our annual club picnic at Whalen Cabin in Phelps Park, Decorah on Tuesday, June 15. Our members had the opportunity to personally bid farewell to outgoing DRC President Kurt DeVore and warmly welcome Samantha Scholtes, incoming DRC President. The barbecue, libations, and cameraderie were excellent. Our sincere thanks to DRC member Alan Lerstrom for organizing this event.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Decorah Rotary Club Picnic 2021-06-18 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Pollinator Project

Our Rotarians enjoying their time communing with the pollinator plants and each other in the Monona Butterfly Garden
Thanks to the leadership and energy of Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) Rotarian Tina Hall, our club engaged in its first endeavor supporting the Rotary District 5970 Operation Pollination, a broad initiative aligning with Rotary International's 7th focus area (i.e., support of the environment). On May 15th our members met at the Monona Butterfly Garden to assist in the maintenance of existing plantings and to procure transplants for transporting back to Decorah, where they will be integrated into the landscaping surrounding the "Welcome to Decorah" sign at the intersection of IA-9 and Montgomery Street. Jim Langhus from Monona provided a brief history of the 20 years old garden and helped coordinate the mulching, hoeing, weeding, and separating of plants.
Participating DRC Rotarians included Shannon Duncan, Tina Hall, Phil Iverson, John Moeller, Uwe Rudolph, and Samantha Scholtes. Our club extends its thanks to all of the participants and to Tina for spearheading the project.
For more photos of this event please check out the photo album DRC Pollinator Project in Monona.
Photo credit: Jim Langhus
Decorah Rotary Club Pollinator Project 2021-05-21 05:00:00Z 0

2021 Loop de Loop Registration Now Open

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for the 2021 Loop de Loop Half-Marathon / 10K / 5K on the Trout Run Trail, to be hosted on Saturday, September 18! Please see the drop-down menu at the upper-right of this home page for links to the registration form and other information.
This ninth iteration of Loop de Loop comes with several exciting new developments. The start/finish line, as well as portions of all three routes, will be located in the vicinity of the Butterfly Garden on the beautiful Decorah Community Prairie. Also for the first time, the 5K Fun Run will join the Half-Marathon and 10K in taking advantage of scenic portions of the Trout Run Trail. All of the other traditional accoutrements associated with Loop de Loop will be available as well.
This ninth iteration of the event will once again be conducted in conjunction with the planned Luther College Family Weekend. We hope the 2021 Loop de Loop is an added, fun Decorah-area activity for our students and their families.
Photo credit: Randy Uhl
2021 Loop de Loop Registration Now Open 2021-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day

Some of our Decorah Rotarians and friends preparing to head out to their respective sections of the highway. Pictured are (L-R) Larry Grimstad, Liang Chee Wee, Bruce Ventura, John Baker, Tina Hall, Elliot Christen, Shannon Duncan, Paul Scott, and Carol Hopp.
On Saturday, April 10, members of the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) had the pleasure of gathering in an outdoor setting and participating in the Spring 2021 iteration of the Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day. DRC provides services for the portion of Highway 9 between the Kelly Real Estate building and a point up the hill to the west of the Decorah Auto Center. The cooperative weather help support a great day of litter removal and fun interaction between friends, some long separated by the events of the past year.
We thank all of the participating DRC members and friends for their cheerful service! They include John Baker, Elliot Christen, Shannon Duncan, Larry Grimstad, Tina Hall, Carol Hopp, Roger Huinker, Maury Lenz, Gary Mineart, Uwe Rudolph, Paul Scott, Jeff Tomlinson, Christy Tomlinson, Bruce Ventura, and Liang Chee Wee.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day 2021-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

Loop de Loop '21 - Save the Date!

Save the date! The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) is pleased to announce the date of the 2021 Loop de Loop Half-Marathon and 10K/5K is set for Saturday, September 18th. This date coincides with the Luther College Family Weekend. Our club is excited to host the ninth iteration of this fundraiser and pledges to make it the most safe and enjoyable event possible.
Registration details will be available here and on the DRC Facebook Page in the coming weeks. Thanks in advance for your participation!
Loop de Loop '21 - Save the Date! 2021-02-26 06:00:00Z 0

Soup Supper Sponsor Appreciation

The Decorah Rotary Club extends its sincere thanks to Rubaiyat Restaurant and The Spectrum Network, both located in Decorah, for their sponsorship of the Chili and Soup Drive-Through Supper held at St. Benedict's Church on Friday, January 29. By virtue of the approximately 230 families served, our Club was able to raise a considerable portion of the funds needed to support our annual awarding of scholarships to local high school seniors in 2021.
Please check out and support these generous sponsors as you are able:
Additional thanks to the intrepid volunteers who donated the time and energy needed to make this fundraiser a success!
Soup Supper Sponsor Appreciation 2021-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

2020 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars

Each year the Decorah Rotary Club sponsors scholarships for local graduating seniors. This year the Club awarded two scholarships of $2000 each and extends its sincere congratulations to recipients Shayla Betts and Margaret Sessions.
The Club also congratulates Ava Holland who was honored as the inaugural recipient of a $1000 scholarship established in memory of former Rotarian John Carlson.
If you know any of these young ladies or their families please reach out to them and offer your own congratulations. We hope to have them join us during a future virtual meeting and give them the opportunity to share their plans and aspirations.
2020 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars 2020-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Grab and Go Food Program

Due to the emergency situation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Decorah Community School District is offering five days of free breakfast and lunch supplies weekly to all school age children enrolled in the district. The District plans for this Grab & Go Food Program opportunity to continue for the duration of the emergency closure.
Given the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) is not presently meeting and not incurring the cost of lunch at each meeting, DRC is donating the funds that would otherwise cover these meal costs to the Decorah Community School District to support their Grab & Go Food Program. We believe this is an excellent way for our unused "lunch money" to help those who need it most right now.
Thanks for all of our members for their support. Stay safe!
Rotary Supports Grab and Go Food Program 2020-04-08 05:00:00Z 0

Jim Morrow Achieves Paul Harris Fellow

At the regular meeting of the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) on 1/14, President Shannon Duncan formally recognized DRC member Jim Morrow for his achievement of Paul Harris Fellow status with the local club. The Paul Harris Fellow Program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. Well done Jim!
Photo credit: Kelly Reagan
Jim Morrow Achieves Paul Harris Fellow 2020-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

"12 Days of Giving" Donation from Magpie Coffeehouse

(L-R) Kelsey Vanney, owner and operator of Magpie Cafe & Coffeehouse, presents a check to DRC President Shannon Duncan from Magpie's recent "12 Days of Giving" campaign
During the month of December 2019, Magpie Cafe & Coffeehouse in Decorah conducted a charitable giving celebration entitled "12 Days of Giving." As a way of saying "thanks" to the local community, from December 9-21 they chose a different local non-profit organization each day to which the business donated 10% of their sales for the day. The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) was selected as the beneficiary for 12/12. At the Club's regular meeting on 1/7, Magpie owner and operator Kelsey Vanney formally presented their donation to the delight and deep gratitude of our members. DRC hopes our members, families, and friends will continue to show their appreciation by supporting and frequenting this generous local business.
Photo credit: Kelly Reagan
"12 Days of Giving" Donation from Magpie Coffeehouse 2020-01-07 06:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Milestones

(L) New DRC member Brian Sullivan receives his Rotary badge from DRC President Shannon Duncan; (R) Shannon presents DRC member Keith Christensen with his 6th Paul Harris Fellow Award pin
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) celebrated two important milestones at its regular lunchtime meeting on 1/7. Firstly, the members extended a warm welcome to new member Brian Sullivan. Brian is employed as an Oracle Developer for the General Mills Corporation, Golden Valley, MN and teleworks from his home in Decorah. His spouse Jennifer is owner and operator of Beyond the Bar Bakery, located on West Water Street in Decorah. Great to have you aboard Brian! Secondly, DRC member Keith Christensen was formally recognized for achieving his 6th Paul Harris Fellow Award. The Paul Harris Fellow Program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. The Club extends its sincere thanks to Keith for his philanthropy and generosity.
Photo credits: Kelly Reagan
Decorah Rotary Club Milestones 2020-01-07 06:00:00Z 0

Decorah City Tree Planting Day

(L-R) Decorah Rotarians John Baker and Paul Mullen prepare to plant a tree along Main Street under the friendly guidance of Decorah Tree Board and Lion member Dick Guilgot
Decorah Rotarians and Lions joined forces to brave the cold, northwesterly winds and occasional snow showers on Saturday, October 12 in providing ongoing support to the City of Decorah tree planting initiative. More than 40 trees of a variety of species were successfully planted in various locations throughout the city. The Decorah Tree Board encourages the planting of trees by its residents so future generations may enjoy the benefits of reduced pollution, a more beautiful city, increased habitat for wildlife, and the conservation of energy from the natural air conditioning and wind protection that a diverse tree cover provides. The initiative has taken on greater importance in recent years with the widespread loss and preventative culling of ash trees in response to the Emerald Ash Borer infestation.
Our club extends its thanks to those who contributed their time and energy: Decorah City Forester Sam Hogenson, Decorah Tree Board Chair Scott Timm, Decorah Lion and Tree Board member Dick Guilgot, Tree Board members Mark Faldet, Tina Hall, Brent Parker, Drew Pellet, and Peter van der Linden, Decorah Lion Steve Matter, and Decorah Rotarians John Baker, Darrel Branhagen, Jim Dale, Shannon Duncan, Larry Grimstad, Phil Iverson, Mark Lane, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Paul Mullen, Uwe Rudolf, Ron Snell, and Jeff Tomlinson.
Additional photos may be found in the companion album here: Decorah Tree Planting Day - Oct 12
Photo credits: Don Holmertz, Gary Mineart
Decorah City Tree Planting Day 2019-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Welcomes Paul Mullen

Our Club was pleased to welcome new member Paul Mullen at our 10/1 regular meeting. President Shannon Duncan made the formal introduction and presented his Rotary badge (accompanying photo). Paul is a Development Officer at Luther College, building relationships and receiving gifts from alumni, parents, and friends of the College. Welcome to our Rotary family Paul! 
Photo credit: Kelly Reagan
DRC Welcomes Paul Mullen 2019-10-01 05:00:00Z 0

Thank You to Our 2019 Loop de Loop Participants!

The start of the 2019 Loop de Loop Half-Marathon
To all 2019 Loop de Loop Participants:
On behalf of the Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop team, thank you for participating in this year’s 8th annual event! If you were a visitor to town, we hope you enjoyed your time in Decorah. 
Fortunately the adverse weather held off and it turned out to be a nice morning for a run or walk.  We apologize for having to alter the Half-Marathon and 10K routes at the last minute.  The river continued to rise late Friday night beyond what we anticipated, which led to multiple sections of the trail under water and impassable. We hope you found the revised routes equally fulfilling and fun.  
If you were not able to attend the event, we do plan to mail your t-shirt to the address you provided at registration.  If you do not want your shirt mailed simply let us know.  
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. Additional proceeds are used for local and international Rotary programs and activities such as scholarships to graduating high school seniors, grants to fund community needs, and international goodwill projects. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2019 complete race results and finisher's videos may be found on this link:  
A Loop de Loop Participant’s Survey may be found HERE. Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah.  Your feedback is very important to us as we look ahead to 2020.
Thank you very much for supporting Loop de Loop and the Decorah Rotary Club!
Photo credit: Kelly Reagan
Thank You to Our 2019 Loop de Loop Participants! 2019-09-24 05:00:00Z 0

Banner Presentation from Rotary Club Alicante Puerto

María Astillero, our resident Rotary International exchange student, formally presented our group with the official club banner from her home club located in Puerto de Alicante, Spain during our regular meeting on September 10th. The banner was gratefully received by Shannon Duncan, DRC President. María is attending Decorah High School during the current academic year under the guardianship of gracious host families Andy and Cristy Nimrod, Brian and Melissa Furman, and Kelly Reagan and Kelly Sorenson. She is active in school activities and has been a welcome presence at local Rotary gatherings.
We thank María for being such a wonderful ambassador for Rotary and for the many contributions and friendships she has gifted us with at this early stage of her tenure in Decorah!
Photo credit: Maureen Duncklee
Banner Presentation from Rotary Club Alicante Puerto 2019-09-20 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Awarded District 5970 Grant

DRC President Shannon Duncan accepts the $2,500 grant check from Don Meyer, District 5970 Foundation Chair
At the DRC regular meeting on 9/3, District 5970 Foundation Chair Don Meyer was on hand to present the club with a District Grant award of $2,500. The funds represent a matching grant to the $2,500 previously designated by our Club for a total of $5,000. The funds will support development of the Decorah Fire Department Training Facility being built along Old Stage Road just east of Decorah. According to Fire Department representatives the Rotary gift will be used to procure and install a forced entry door trainer within the new facility. Thanks to District 5970 for their support of our Club!
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
DRC Awarded District 5970 Grant 2019-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Hosts Luther College President Jennifer Ward

The Decorah Rotary Club had the pleasure of hosting new Luther College President Dr. Jennifer K. Ward at our regular club meeting on 9/27. Formerly the provost and dean of the college for Centenary College of Louisiana in Shreveport, Louisiana, Dr. Ward was unanimously elected Luther College’s 11th president this past March by the Luther Board of Regents.
During her presentation to our members, Dr. Ward shared insights into the outreach and branding efforts of the college. She highlighted some of the core principles encapsulated by the vision statement "learn actively, live purposefully, and lead courageously...for a lifetime of achievement." She also emphasized a renewed commitment to cultivating the working relationship between Luther College and the City of Decorah. After her comments, Dr. Ward fielded a variety of questions from our members and friends in attendance. Our Club extends its sincere thanks to Dr. Ward for sharing her valuable time with us.
For more information on Dr. Ward's priorities and extensive background please see the appointment notice on the college website: Luther College Headlines 3/19/19
DRC Hosts Luther College President Jennifer Ward 2019-09-01 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2019

DRC member Jim Dale welcomes participants as the caravan of off-road vehicles prepare for their initial circumnavigation of the trail
The 2019 Trout Run Trail Tour Day, sponsored by the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC), was hosted this year on Tuesday, August 20th.  This is an annual event allowing an opportunity for the elderly and those with physical limitations preventing routine access to the Trail to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit.  As with past years, the local community came out in large numbers and filled the seats of each of the multiple loops o the trail.  All enjoyed the luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Fish Hatchery.
Our Club extends its thanks to the following DRC members and friends for their volunteer service: Maureen Dunklee and Lorraine Borowski (registration); John Baker, John Moeller, and Phil Iverson (set-up); Ron Taylor, Steve Chambliss and Larry Monson (meal service); Jim Dale, Drew Casner and Amy Loera (take down); Ron Snell, Dallas Steffen, Don Arendt, Paul Scott, Uwe Rudolf, Darrel Branhagen and Don Holmertz (vehicle operation).
A special thanks to the following implement dealers and individual who donated the use of their off-road vehicles: Bodensteiner Implement Company - Decorah, M&M Lawn and Leisure - Rushford, Decorah Kawasaki Sports Center, John Kerndt, Les Askelson, Paul Nichols, Dolly Panos, Adam Thornton, and Jeremy Bjerke. 
Thanks also to the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery, the City of Decorah, the 28-E Committee, U-2 BBQ & Catering, and Decorah Rental for working with our Club to facilitate this event. 
A very special "thank-you" to DRC members Ashley Klocke, Dacia Monson, Mike Huinker, and Alan Lerstrom for leading the coordination of this popular annual event. 
Finally, our Club recognizes and thanks all of the land donors who made the Trout Run Trail possible and such a special addition to the Decorah community.
For more images from this event see the companion photo album: DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2019
Photo credits: Shannon Duncan, Dacia Monson
DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2019 2019-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Welcomes Mark Lane, Nate Ersig, and Wanda Gardner

(L) DRC President Shannon Duncan welcomes Mark Lane; (R) Wanda Gardner receives Shannon's congratulations as Nate Ersig looks on
Our Club was pleased to introduce new members Mark Lane, Nate Ersig, and Wanda Gardner at our 8/27 regular meeting. Mark is the recently appointed Superintendent of Schools for the Decorah School District. Nate serves as the Director of Development for Luther College. Long-time Decorah residents may remember Wanda as a former Director of the Decorah Public Library; she has relocated back to Decorah and is a staff specialist at the local Spahn and Rose. A warm welcome to all of the new members of our Rotary family!
Photo credits: Kelly Reagan
DRC Welcomes Mark Lane, Nate Ersig, and Wanda Gardner 2019-08-27 05:00:00Z 0

Nordic Fest 2019 Float, Parade, and Food Booth

The Decorah Rotary Club participated in the 53rd Annual Nordic Fest this year through its contribution of a float entry in the Nordic Fest Parade, held on Saturday, July 27. As has become a recent tradition, our float made a great impression and stood out among the many parade entries in no small part to the creativity and energy of our intrepid float designers and builders.
Our club extends its heartfelt thanks to the follow DRC members and friends to contributed to the design, construction, and operation of this year's float: Don Arendt, Darrel Branhagen, Kurt DeVore, Shannon Duncan, Sierra Duncan, Ivan Hackman, Wyatt Hackman, Alec Lerstrom, Kelly Reagan, Kathleen Rittner, Uwe Rudolph, Jeff Tomlinson, Ciara Wedmann, and Sage Wedmann. Extra special thanks to Alan Lerstrom for his leadership of the effort and Ward Budweg for spearheading many of the materials logistics and hosting the location for construction. Thanks to all for your many contributions!
For additional photos, including those documenting our members serving cheese curds and chicken strips near the main entertainment stage, see the companion photo album: Nordic Fest 2019 Float, Parade and Food Booth
Photo credits: Kurt DeVore, Jeff Tomlinson, Shannon Duncan
Nordic Fest 2019 Float, Parade, and Food Booth 2019-08-02 05:00:00Z 0

Kathleen Rittner Recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow

DRC Rotary Foundation Chair Jeff Tomlinson awarding Kathleen Rittner with her Paul Harris Fellow recognition
At the Club's regular meeting on July 2nd, DRC member Kathleen Rittner was formally recognized for her recent achievement of Paul Harris Fellow status. The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. We extend our congratulations and thanks to Kathleen!
Photo credit: Shannon Duncan
Kathleen Rittner Recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow 2019-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Decorah Rotary Club Picnic

DRC member, world traveler, ultra-athlete, and raconteur Ward Budweg describes his amazing cross-country ski trip across Finland at the club picnic
The Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) enjoyed great food and fellowship at our recent Club Picnic hosted at Whalen Cabin in Phelps Park in Decorah. DRC member Ward Budweg provided the program and some fascinating insights into his cross-country ski trip across Finland this past winter. Our thanks to everyone for supplying the attendees with the nice selection of side dishes and treats. A special thanks to Grill Master Matt Burkey for his culinary skills.
For more photos from the picnic see the accompanying photo album: 2019 Decorah Rotary Club Picnic
Photo credits: Shannon Duncan
2019 Decorah Rotary Club Picnic 2019-06-04 05:00:00Z 0

Kelly Reagan Receives 8th Paul Harris Fellow

(L-R) DRC member presenter Phil Iverson, Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan, "Flat Paul Harris," and President Lorraine Borowski
At a ceremony conducted during DRC's regular meeting on May 14, DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan was recognized for achieving his eighth Paul Harris Fellow certificate. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 during any calendar year to The Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. Our congratulations to Kelly for his philanthropic leadership and generosity!
Photo credit: Shannon Duncan
Kelly Reagan Receives 8th Paul Harris Fellow 2019-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars

On May 8th at ceremonies held at the Decorah High School, the Decorah Community School District Foundation presented scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Included in those awards were four $1,000 scholarships sponsored annually by the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC).
The 2019 DRC Scholarship recipients are Rose Gullekson, Rachel Hudson, Christian Johnson, and Josie Numedahl. Our Club extends its sincere congratulations and best wishes to these outstanding students!
2019 Decorah Rotary Club Scholars 2019-05-14 05:00:00Z 0

2019 District Grant Project - Decorah Tree Replacement

DRC President Lorraine Borowski and DRC Member John Moeller planting a replacement tree along Mechanic Street in Decorah
On Saturday, May 4th members of the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC) in cooperation with the City of Decorah Tree Board and other volunteers from the Luther College Athletic Department completed the planting of 42 new trees in several locations around Decorah. The DRC Tree Replacement Project was supported by a 2019 Rotary District 5970 Foundation Grant, with matching funds provided by our Club. On behalf of the City of Decorah, the Tree Board encourages the planting of trees by its residents so future generations may enjoy the benefits of reduced pollution, a more beautiful city, increased habitat for wildlife, and the conservation of energy from the natural air conditioning and wind protection that a diverse tree cover provides. The initiative has taken on greater importance in recent years with the widespread loss and preventative culling of ash trees in response to the Emerald Ash Borer infestation.
DRC members participating in the project included Lorraine Borowski, Ward Budweg, Eliot Christian, Mark Donhowe, Shannon Duncan, Larry Grimstad, Tina Hall, Phil Iverson, John Moeller, Kathleen Rittner and husband Rod, Uwe Rudolph, Samantha Scholles, Paul Scott, and Dr. Liang Chee Wee. Our Club extends its sincerest thanks to Shannon Duncan for her leadership of the project and administration of the District Grant.
More photos may be found in the album accessible by this link: Decorah Community Tree Planting Day
Photo credits: Shannon Duncan, Paul Scott
2019 District Grant Project - Decorah Tree Replacement 2019-05-07 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah High School Robotics Club Demonstration

Brett Wilker and students from the Decorah High School Robotics Club preparing to demonstrate their robots against the Rover Ruckus scenario
The DRC was thrilled to host students from the Decorah High School (DHS) Robotics Club, along with their faculty sponsor Brett Wilker, at our regular meeting on April 23rd. Each of the students spoke in turn about the design, construction, and operation of their robots followed by a live demonstration that recreated the scenario challenge from this year's FIRST Tech Challenge competition. Teams comprising students from 7th – 12th grade are given an obstacle course scenario and, based on that scenario, the teams design, build and program robots to compete with teams from other schools. This year’s scenario is Rover Ruckus, which takes its inspiration from the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. The playing field includes two fake moon craters, moon “minerals” and a moon lander, and the teams are able to score points through the completion of a variety of tasks. The DHS teams have been extremely successful this year, having qualified for the Super Qualifier Event in Sioux City.
Feel free to check out additional photos using this link: Decorah High School Robotics Club Demo
Photo credits: Gary Mineart, Paul Scott
Decorah High School Robotics Club Demonstration 2019-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Registration is Open for the 2019 Loop de Loop

Registration for the 2019 Decorah Rotary Club's Loop de Loop Half-Marathon and 10K/5K is now open and available. This event is scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 2019. It will be the 8th annual edition of this popular run.
Please see the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of our home page for links to the registration information.
See you on the gorgeous Trout Run Trail in September!
Registration is Open for the 2019 Loop de Loop 2019-03-12 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Welcomes Amy Loera

DRC Member Amy Loera shows off her new Rotary badge with President Lorraine Borowski
DRC was pleased to introduce new member Amy Loera to the club at our 2/5 regular meeting. She serves as Admissions Coordinator at Wellington Place. Welcome Amy!
Photo credit: Kelly Reagan
DRC Welcomes Amy Loera 2019-02-06 06:00:00Z 0

2019 Decorah Rotary Club Chili Supper

(L-R) Ivan Hackman, Don Holmertz, Lorraine Borowski, and Jim Morrow make an efficient and cheerful serving line at Friday's DRC Chili Supper
DRC hosted their annual Chili Supper fundraiser at the Decorah High School Cafeteria on Friday, January 11th. This was the first year incorporating a chili cook-off as part of the festivities. The public was invited to "vote" for their favorite entries through free will donations. The selections were plentiful and delicious. Our thanks to all of the superb chili chefs for sharing their time and culinary talents! As a capstone to the fun evening, the Decorah High School girls basketball team secured their inaugural victory of the season.
For more chili supper photos please check out the following link: 2019 DRC Chili Supper
Many thanks to the Chili Supper Committee members for their creativity and enthusiasm, and to everyone who came out and supported the event!
Photo credits: Gary Mineart, Kelly Reagan, Ward Budweg
2019 Decorah Rotary Club Chili Supper 2019-01-12 06:00:00Z 0

Kadens Kloset at Decorah Rotary

Angela LaBelle of Kadens Kloset in Decorah describes the meager belongings of many fostered children during her recent DRC presentation
The Decorah Rotary Club was pleased to host Mike and Angela LaBelle from the Decorah branch of Kadens Kloset during its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 27th. Kadens Kloset is a 100% volunteer and donation-run, non-profit organization hosted by the local Decorah Covenant Church. It exists to provide tangible necessities for foster and adoptive children, plus families and children in need in the area. Mike and Angela discussed the positive impact the local organization has had in the few short months it has been up and running and itemized the avenues of support available to the local community.
For more about Kadens Kloset visit the organization's website at
Photo credit: Paul Scott
Kadens Kloset at Decorah Rotary 2018-11-27 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day

(L-R) Rotarians and friends Shannon Duncan, Elliot Christen, John Baker, Jason Soland, and Jacky Budweg share some morning cheer at the start of Saturday's service project
Our club managed to find the best weather day in many weeks for the final Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day of 2018 held on Saturday, October 13. Thanks to all of the superb volunteers who shared their spirit of service and dedicated time to help keep Decorah beautiful: John Baker, Jacky Budweg, Ward Budweg, Matt Burkey, Elliot Christen, Shannon Duncan, Roger Huinker, Jim Morrow, Paul Scott, Jason Soland, and Jeff Tomlinson. Special thanks to Ward for his leadership in organizing this event and taking care of the logistics.
Photo credit: Ward Budweg
Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day 2018-10-15 05:00:00Z 0

Thank You to our 2018 Loop de Loop Participants

To our 2018 Loop de Loop participants,
Thank you!
On behalf of the Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop team, thank you for participating in this year’s 7th annual event. If you were a visitor to town, we hope you enjoyed your time in Decorah. It turned out to be a chilly but beautiful morning to be out on the trail.
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. It may be needed repairs, new benches, landscaping or other amenities. The remaining proceeds are used for local and international Rotary programs and activities such as local scholarships and internationally fighting Polio. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2018 complete race results and finisher's videos may be found on this link.
A year-end participant’s survey may be found on this link:  Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah.  The committee will be looking at ways to re-energize the event in 2019, so we value your input!
Thank you very much for supporting our event!
Decorah Rotary Club Loop de Loop Committee
Thank You to our 2018 Loop de Loop Participants 2018-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

District 5970 Governor Visit

(L-R) DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan, DRC President Lorraine Borowski, and District 5970 Governor Neil Fell
The Decorah Rotary Club was pleased and honored to host District 5970 Governor Neil Fell for our regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, October 9. Governor Fell regaled the attendees with Rotary history highlights, commended our local crooning prowess, and provided some insightful thoughts on membership composition and growth and on the Rotary Four-Way Test. Our members came away with an energized appreciation of the current Rotary Year theme "Be The Inspiration" and avenues to contribute to that theme. Our Club extends its thanks to Governor Fell for his time and uplifting message.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
District 5970 Governor Visit 2018-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra Cidade Alta Celebration Parade

DRC Rotarians Kelly Reagan and Ward Budweg recently received photos from Mr. Wilson Dalto, friend and fellow Rotarian in Tangara Da Serra Cidade Alta, Brazil. The Tangara Da Serra Cidade Alta Rotary Club recently held a celebration parade for people who have received assistance through the Adult Literacy Program coordinated by their club.  The Decorah Rotary Club has donated funds to this ongoing project in the amount of $3000 over the last three years. This partnership between the Decorah Rotary Club and the Tangara Da Serra Cidade Alta Rotary Club is an excellent example of the good works Rotarians are doing around the world, and in this case, with our direct support.
Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra Cidade Alta Celebration Parade 2018-09-18 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2018

DRC member Mike Huinker piloting the lead vehicle, along with happy passengers and the following caravan, at the start of one of several Trout Run Trail Day 12-mile loops
The 2018 Trout Run Trail Tour Day, sponsored by the Decorah Rotary Club (DRC), was hosted this year on Tuesday, August 21. This is an annual event allowing an opportunity for the elderly and those with physical limitations preventing routine access to the Trail to experience the beauty of the entire 12-mile circuit. As with past years, the local community came out in large numbers and filled every available seat on each of the multiple loops of the trail. The luncheon hosted at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery was enjoyed by all.
Our Club extends its thanks to the following DRC members and friends for their volunteer service: Andy Nimrod (signage); Jim Morrow and Jerry Aulwes (registration); John Baker, Phil Iversen, and Elliot Christen (set-up); Cal Anderson, Jon Christy, Robert Dahl, and Dacia Monson (meal service); Maury Lenz, Jim Dale, and Ron Taylor (take-down); Mike Huinker, Paul Scott, Darryl Branhagen, Don Arendt, Collyn Bridges, Dallas Steffen, Harlan Satrom, Bill Brennig, John Kerndt, and Les Askelson (vehicle operation).
A special thanks to the following implement dealers and individuals who donated the use of their off-road vehicles: Bodensteiner Implement Company - Decorah, Decorah Kawasaki Sports Center, M&M Lawn and Leisure - Rushford, Les Askelson, John Kerndt, Adam Thornton of Thornton’s Feed and Grain in Decorah, and Jeremy Bjerke.
Thanks also to the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery, the City of Decorah, the 28-E Committee, Quillins, Java Johns, and Decorah Rental for working with our Club to facilitate this event.
Sincere thanks to DRC members Francis and Marilyn Peterson, Mike Huinker, and Harlan Satrom for helping coordinate the event. Last but certainly not least, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to DRC member Jennifer Gipp for her leadership and vision in establishing this event as an annual DRC tradition and maintaining its continued success and popularity.
Finally, DRC would also like to recognize and thank all of the land donors who made the Trout Run Trail possible and such a special addition to the Decorah community.
More photos from this year's event may be accessed using this link: DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2018
Photo credits: Jennifer Gipp
DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2018 2018-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

A "Thank You" for the Trout Run Trail Signage

The Decorah Rotary Club's sponsorship of information signs around the entirety of the 12-mile loop of the Trout Run Trail continues to be appreciated by its patrons. Our Club recently received the following email note from Carol and Lyle Rasmussen of Waverly:
"Thank you so much for providing the trail signs on the Trout Trail loop around Decorah. While the loop is easy to follow, it was always good to have the assurance that we were on the right path by following the easy to read signs."
Thanks to Carol and Lyle for the feedback!
A "Thank You" for the Trout Run Trail Signage 2018-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Nordic Fest 2018

Our Club's impressive Nordic Fest float during Saturday's parade; a happy group of customers in front of the Cheese Curd Booth
The Decorah Rotary Club continued its traditional involvement during Nordic Fest 2018, hosted in Decorah on July 26-28, along with a brand new service opportunity this year. The Rotary brand received lots of attention as a result of our parade float "Stairway to Lefse," considered by many independent observers to be the most awe-inspiring float in the entire parade. Also, for the first time, our members served made-to-order cheese curds Friday and Saturday evening at Canopy Five adjacent to the main entertainment stage, using equipment provided by Homestead Dairy in Waukon. The fresh, hot curds were clearly popular with the crowds attending the musical events!
Our Club owes a huge debt of gratitude to DRC members Shannon Duncan and Ward Budweg for their leadership and tireless efforts in bringing both of these Nordic Fest volunteer opportunities to fruition. We thank all of our members and friends who contributed to the construction and operation of the float, including Ward, Shannon, John Anderson, Cal Anderson, Kurt DeVore, Alan Lerstrom, Sandy Evans, Francis Peterson, Kelly Reagan, and Jeff Tomlinson, with particular thanks to Alan for his design inspiration and guidance. Thanks also to all of the Cheese Curd Booth set-up/operation/take down volunteers: Ward, Shannon, John, Kurt, Alan, and Jeff (again!); Matt Burkey, Don Holmerz, Phil Iversen, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Jim Morrow, Kathleen Ritner, Rod Ritner, Ron Snell, and Heidi Snell. A special appreciative nod to Ron and Phil for loading and returning the equipment to Homestead Dairy.
For more photos please check out the companion photo album here: Nordic Fest 2018
Thanks again to our members for their cheerful and dedicated service!
Photo credits: Shannon Duncan/Kelly Reagan/Jeff Tomlinson
Nordic Fest 2018 2018-07-30 05:00:00Z 0

Legendary University of Iowa Quarterback Chuck Long Visits Decorah Rotary

(L-R) DRC President Lorraine Borowski, Chuck Long, DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan
DRC was honored to host Chuck Long, former Iowa Hawkeye quarterback standout and one of the most renowned players in the history of the University of Iowa football program, at its regular meeting on June 19th. Our members and guests thoroughly enjoyed his recounting of the most memorable events and experiences from his stellar Iowa football career. Copies of his biography, which is authored by Aaron Putze, a fellow Rotarian from Waukee, were made available. Chuck was generous with his time and offered to personalize copies of his book. Our club extends its sincere thanks to him for our shared time together.
Photo credit: Kurt DeVore
For additional photos of Chuck Long's visit, please see the photo gallery at this link: Iowa Quarterback Chuck Long Visit
Legendary University of Iowa Quarterback Chuck Long Visits Decorah Rotary 2018-06-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Program Presentation

Special guests at our June 12 meeting speaking on their Rotary Youth Exchange Program experiences include (L-R) Annie (student from Mexico), Isabel (outbound student from Cedar Rapids), Iowa Rotary Youth Exchange Director Elizabeth Daly, Lon Weber (host family from Belle Plaine), Augusto (student from Brazil), and Jody Weber (host family from Belle Plaine)
DRC members Jeni Grouws and Ward Budweg, with the assistance of Iowa Rotary Youth Exchange Director Elizabeth Daly and other welcome guests of the club, gifted us with insights into the Rotary Youth Exchange Program and provided an update on the local initiative to institute involvement by our club in the Program. Our guests included a host family from Belle Plaine, Lon and Jody Weber, and several students both inbound and outbound who were able to share their interesting, captivating, and moving personal experiences both as hosts and as current and prospective exchange students. Our club extends its sincere thanks to Jeni and Ward for their energy and leadership of this initiative and to all of the co-presenters who gave our members a new appreciation of the many positive aspects of the Program.
Photo credit: Jeni Grouws
Rotary Youth Exchange Program Presentation 2018-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Food Service at the Electric Vehicle Fest(EV)al

(L-R) DRC Rotarians John Moeller, Elliot Christen, Grillmaster Matt Burkey, and Jon Christy along with a satisfied customer at the recent Electric Vehicle Fest(EV)al
Sincere thanks to all of our dedicated Rotarians who volunteered to cook and serve brats at the local Winneshiek Energy District's Electric Vehicle Fest(EV)al held at the Winneshiek County Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 2nd. Much appreciated!
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
DRC Food Service at the Electric Vehicle Fest(EV)al 2018-06-02 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Fifth Tuesday Picnic and Service Project - "Birdhouse Construction"

DRC member John Baker (right) hammers away while DRC member Ward Budweg (left) assists a young future Rotarian with his birdhouse assembly...a great example of intergenerational Decorah Rotary service to the community!
The Decorah Rotary Club combined its traditional "Fifth Tuesday" evening meeting and service project on May 29th with the club's annual picnic, hosted at Whalen Cabin in Decorah's Phelps Park. This particular service project consisted of the construction of birdhouses, some of which were given to children in attendance and the remainder provided by DRC member Samantha Scholtes to Mosaic of Northern Iowa for distribution to homes under their auspices in the communities of Decorah and Waukon. Special thanks to the following DRC members: Ward Budweg for leading the birdhouse logistical preparations and donating supplies, and Shannon Duncan for sizing and cutting the wood. Thanks also to DRC members Uwe Rudolph and Joe Hammel for their lumber donations, John Anderson for the hamburgers, Matt Burkey for his grilling skills, Jon Christy for setting up the dining area, Jerry Aulwes for the beer sampling and Mike Haluska for the wine tasting. Thanks also to everyone who brought delicious side items to share, and to all the folks who came out and joined us for this fun event.
Photo Credit: Kelly Reagan
For more photos please see the accompanying photo album: 2018 DRC Annual Picnic and Service Project
Photo Credits: Kurt DeVore
DRC Fifth Tuesday Picnic and Service Project - "Birdhouse Construction" 2018-05-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day

Decorah Rotarians (L-R) Maury Lenz, Ward Budweg, Jim Morrow, Kent Klocke, and Uwe Rudolph preparing to police the highway
Our club was blessed with superb spring weather for the first Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day of 2018. Thanks to all of the volunteers who dedicated their time to help keep Decorah beautiful: Ward Budweg, Kent Klocke, Maury Lenz, Gary Mineart, Jim Morrow, Uwe Rudolph, and Paul Scott. Special thanks to Ward for organizing our participation.
Photo credit: Gary Mineart
Rotary Roadside Clean-Up Day 2018-04-28 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Hosts UNI President Mark Nook

University of Northern Iowa President Mark Nook and Decorah Rotary Club President Ashley Klocke
The average University of Northern Iowa (UNI) student now leaves college with just over $22,000 in debt.  While that's still a large sum of money, it's $4,000 lower than the figure from ten years ago and $10,000 lower than the national average.

UNI President Mark Nook spoke Tuesday, April 3rd, to a meeting of the Decorah Rotary Club.  He gave much of the credit for the lower student debt among UNI graduates to a program at UNI called "Live Like a Student."  UNI students are given a free, three-week non-credit course that includes financial planning that helps them examine their spending habits.  The school also requires students who take out a private loan to meet one-on-one with a financial counselor about their expenses and financial aid package.

Nook says financial literacy is an important skill for college students to have.  He calls "Live Like a Student" a "remarkable program" that is now drawing national attention.
Photo Credit: Paul Scott
Decorah Rotary Hosts UNI President Mark Nook 2018-04-10 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Decorah Rotary Club Scholarship Recipients

The Decorah Community School District Foundation has announced the names of students awarded scholarships sponsored by the Decorah Rotary Club. Our scholarship awardees for 2018 are Rachel Hines, Maggy Hovden, Sarah Mikkelson, and Kaitlyn Nimrod. Congratulations to our students!
The formal awards presentation will be held on Wednesday, May 9th at 7:00 pm in the Decorah High School Auditorium.
2018 Decorah Rotary Club Scholarship Recipients 2018-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Mabe's Pizza Service at Toppling Goliath Brewery

Decorah Rotarians (L-R) Gary Mineart, Lorraine Borowski, and Shannon Duncan at the Toppling Goliath Brewery release event
Our club recently collaborated with Mabe's Pizza in a local fundraiser, serving pizza at a major release event being hosted by Toppling Goliath Brewery at their new facility in Decorah. The event attracted more than two-thousand "beer tourists" from the upper Midwest, across the country, and around the world.
Our thanks to DRC pizza service volunteers Don Arendt, John Baker, Chad Bird, Lorraine Borowski, Collyn Bridges, Robert Dahl, Shannon Duncan, Roger Huinker, Gary Mineart, John Moeller, Uwe Rudolph, Ron Taylor, and Jeff & Christy Tomlinson. Special thanks to DRC member Kelly Reagan and Mabe's Pizza owner Steve White for all of their planning and logistical support.
DRC Mabe's Pizza Service at Toppling Goliath Brewery 2018-04-01 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Supports the Decorah Community Food Pantry

The Decorah Community Food Pantry has procured a new freezer, facilitated by a $500 grant from the Decorah Rotary Club.
A faith-based ministry serving northeast Iowa since 1996, the Decorah Community Food Pantry provides food, personal care, and household supplies to individuals and families in need. It has recently transitioned from a committee-based effort to an independent 501(c)3 organization with a governing board comprised of representatives from 16 congregations in the Decorah area.
For more information and service opportunities please visit the following page: Decorah Community Food Pantry
Photo credit: Jeff Tomlinson
DRC Supports the Decorah Community Food Pantry 2018-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Loop de Loop Registration Now Available

Both on-line and mail-in registration forms are now available for the 2018 Loop de Loop on the Trout Run Trail!
Please see the drop-down menu at the top-right of this page. Links to Trout Run Trail maps are also provided. Maps of the precise race routes are under development and will be added when available.
There are sizable discounts for early registration. Hope to see you on September 29th!
2018 Loop de Loop Registration Now Available 2018-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

District 5970 Rotary Foundation Grant Chair Visit

DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan and District 5970 Foundation Grant Subcommittee Chair Donald Meyer
The Rotary Foundation Grant Subcommittee Chair from Rotary District 5970, Mr. Donald Meyer, paid a visit to the Decorah Rotary Club during its February 27 regular meeting. Mr. Meyer used the occasion to recognize DRC member Kelly Reagan as our most recent inductee into the Paul Harris Society. The Paul Harris Society is comprised of Rotarians who have made a commitment to long-term financial support of the Rotary Foundation on an annually recurring basis.
Photo credit: Paul Scott
District 5970 Rotary Foundation Grant Chair Visit 2018-03-08 06:00:00Z 0

DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Helping Services Supplies"

The Decorah Rotary Club met for its "Fifth Tuesday" evening meeting, supper, and service project at T-Bock's Upstairs on January 30, 2018. The focus for this service project was the collection of household cleaning supplies to be distributed to families in need by the Helping Services for Youth & Families non-profit organization. Club members in attendance also applied labels with Helping Services contact information to coffee cup stock for ultimate use by Impact Coffee for their customers. The club extends its appreciation to DRC members Shannon Duncan and Carson Eggland for their planning and leadership of this project.
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Helping Services Supplies" 2018-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary's Chili Supper Fundraiser

Decorah Rotarians (L-R) Elliot Christen, Alan Lerstrom, and Chad Bird at the Chili Supper
The Decorah Rotary Club hosted our annual Chili Supper Fundraiser on Friday, January 12th in the Decorah High School cafeteria. For the first time tickets were based on free-will donations rather than a fixed price. Through the generosity of all of the participants, approximately $1,500 in proceeds will be made available to supplement funding for our Club's Scholarship Program. Our sincere thanks to all of the volunteers for their commitments of time and service, and to all of the chili consumers for their appetites!
See more photos of this event in this photo album: 2018 Decorah Rotary Club Chili Supper
Photo credit: Kurt DeVore
Decorah Rotary's Chili Supper Fundraiser 2018-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta” Partnership Update

Wilson Dalto of the Rotary Club de Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta” in Brazil
The following is a message received from Wilson Dalto, the Rotarian contact in Brazil for their Adult Literacy Project that the Decorah Rotary Club has helped support for the last three years:
Dear fellows of Rotary Club of Decorah
Dear friends and fellows Ward and Kelly
We are immensely grateful for the partnership and trust of the members of this great club  to our Adult Literacy Project. We sent to you some photos of the closing party of the third and the last year of partnershipship between the Rotary Club of Decorah and the Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta.”
We want you to know that since the beginning of this Project, the Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta” has taught more than 4,100 adults. In addition to literacy itself, the Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra Cidade Alta, a partner of the Rotary Club of Decorah, donated ophthalmic consultations and eyeglasses to the people involved in the project with visual difficulties.
Each year, at the end of each stage of the project, we held a festive meeting to deliver literacy certificates to students who finished the course and who actually learned to read and write. It is a very beautiful and exciting party, attended by a governor or a representative of the governor of the Rotary District and other authorities. At this great party the Rotary Club offers a dinner for all literate adults, delivering the certificates, and listening to the exhilarating testimonials of many students who have been enlightened.
The R.C.T.S "Cidade Alta” provides on this occasion satisfaction of the results of this important partnership between our clubs. We take the opportunity to invite this valiant club to renew our partnership, in the certainty that the resources coming from this partnership are applied with great seriousness and efficiency. Be sure that you, fellow Rotarians, through your club, have participated in one of Rotary International's most important social projects.
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra "Cidade Alta," thank you and thank you very much. Have a very prosperous New Year.  A big hug in you all.
Rotary Club de Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta”
Fellow Wilson Dalto
Additional photos may be found in this photo album: Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra "Cidade Alta Award Ceremony
Rotary Club of Tangará da Serra “Cidade Alta” Partnership Update 2018-01-11 06:00:00Z 0

Rubaiyat Fundraiser Supports the Decorah Rotary Club

(L-R): Decorah Rotary Club representatives Kelly Reagan, Kurt DeVore, and Lorraine Borowski with Rubaiyat owners Kim and Andy Bonnet
As recently reported in, Rubaiyat Restaurant owners Kim and Andy Bonnet presented the Decorah Rotary Club with a check for $12,200. The funds represent proceeds from this year's annual Rubaiyat beer and wine sampling fundraiser that also includes heavy hors d'oeuvres and a live auction. The funds raised during each annual event are donated to a local, non-profit organization. The funds raised this year will be used for a variety of Decorah Rotary Club projects, including support for annual scholarships awarded to graduating Decorah High School students. Our club extends its most sincere appreciation to Kim and Andy for their generous support.
Photo Credit: Paul Scott
Rubaiyat Fundraiser Supports the Decorah Rotary Club 2017-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day -- October 24th

This is your opportunity to help Rotary International continue its fight against polio eradication. With just 11 confirmed cases so far in 2017, the world is on the brink of eradicating polio, a vaccine-preventable disease that once paralyzed hundreds of thousands of children each year. Please consider participating in the Decorah Rotary Club's “Dine Out for Polio” event on World Polio Day, designated as next Tuesday October 24. Dine at one of the local participating restaurants that day (Pizza Hut, Pizza Ranch, La Rana, Don Jose, and Magpie) and let them know you are doing it for World Polio Day. Those restaurants have graciously offered to donate towards the cause.
Rotary clubs worldwide are hosting events in conjunction with the Fifth Annual World Polio Day celebration. This year, the event will be co-hosted by Rotary International and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and held at the Foundation headquarters in Seattle. The program will feature an update on the global fight to end polio and an array of guest speakers, celebrities, and public health experts.
For more information on the many World Polio Day events, please visit
Thanks to all for your support!
World Polio Day -- October 24th 2017-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Loop de Loop Results

The 2017 Loop de Loop is in the books, the hard work paid off and it's time to rest and recover.
On behalf of the Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop team, thank you for participating in this year’s 6th annual event. We hope you enjoyed your time in Decorah on September 30th. It turned out to be a beautiful day for being out on the trail.
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. It may be needed repairs, new benches, landscaping or other amenities. The remaining proceeds are used for local and international Rotary programs and activities such as local scholarships and internationally fighting Polio. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2017 complete race results are available at this link:
New this year is a finishers video. The video was set up at the finish line and captures each runner as they cross the finish line. Visit for more details. On this website you can also share your finish information via Facebook and Twitter.
A year-end participant’s survey may be found on this link. Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah:
Thank you very much for supporting our event and here’s to 2018 - see you on the trail.  Mange Tusen Takk!
2017 Loop de Loop Results 2017-10-01 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2017

A few of the many volunteers who served at this year's Trout Run Trail Tour Day.  (L-R) DRC members Francis Peterson, Shannon Duncan, Kelly Reagan, Jennifer Gipp, John Baker, Judy Robinson, Don Holmertz, and Cindy Schissel
The Decorah Rotary Club hosted the 4th motorized Trout Run Trail Tour Day on Tuesday, August 22nd. Our club sponsors this event in order to provide guided motorized tours of the Trout Run Trail for the elderly and those with disabilities and physical limitations who are otherwise unable to access the trail. This year, 135 people were able to participate in the motorized trail tours.
DRC sincerely thanks all of the volunteers and equipment suppliers who made this event possible. Special thanks to DRC members Mike Huinker and Harlan Satrom for coordinating the motorized vehicles and drivers for the day, and to Francis and Marilyn Peterson for taking all the reservations for the trail tours. Extra special thanks to DRC member Jennifer Gipp, whose vision and energy were integral to making this year's tours such a success.
Photo credit: Jennifer Gipp
Additional photos of the tours may be found in this photo album: DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2017
Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2017 2017-08-26 05:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club on Facebook

The Decorah Rotary Club has entered the realm of social media. Click on the image above to jump to our new, dedicated Decorah Rotary Club Facebook Page. Make sure you "like" our page so you can keep track of real-time Decorah Rotary news and information. Note we have added a permanent link to the top menu of the home page above for easy access.
Thanks to DRC Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Reagan for his efforts in establishing and maintaining our new Facebook Page.
Decorah Rotary Club on Facebook 2017-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Fourth of July Event

Photos from this year's Fourth of July Event conducted at Phelps Park are available in the Photo Albums.  Special thanks to DRC member Lorraine Borowski for her planning efforts and serving as master of ceremonies at the event.
2017 Fourth of July Event 2017-07-07 05:00:00Z 0

Date Set for the 2017 Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tours

The 2017 Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tours are scheduled for Tuesday, August 22nd. The motorized tours of the trail will once again be accompanied by a Community Picnic Luncheon at the Decorah Trout Hatchery Pavilion from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. We will be doing 4 laps and hope to accommodate 35 people per lap.  Our goal is to allow 140 people to participate. The laps will be at 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, and 1:00 PM.
Reservations will start being accepted on August 8th. Please see the DRC Event Calendar Entry for additional information on the event and directions for making your reservations.
Date Set for the 2017 Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tours 2017-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

The "Maasai Guys" at Rotary

Leboy Oltimbau, DRC President Kurt DeVore, and Musa Kamaika
Our Club was honored and privileged to welcome Leboy Oltimbau and Musa Kamaika from Tanzania during our regular meeting on April 18th. The association between Leboy, Musa, and Luther College students and faculty, initiated several years ago, was further cultivated during a recent January Term Paideia trip led by Luther College professor and DRC member John Moeller. We extend our sincere thanks to Leboy and Musa for sharing their personal experiences and for their fascinating and informative insights into the Maasai culture.
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
The "Maasai Guys" at Rotary 2017-04-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day

Early arrivals for the Roadside Clean-Up Day getting outfitted and equipped -- (L-R) Ward Budweg, Jim Beghly, Cal Anderson, Elliot Christen, and Lorraine Borowski
The Decorah Rotary Club held its Spring Roadside Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 15th. Thankfully the weather stayed warm and dry throughout the morning facilitating a very successful event with a large volume of litter along IA-9, leftover from the winter months, picked up and bagged. The Club thanks members Cal Anderson, Jim Beghly, Chad Bird, Lorraine Borowski, Ward Budweg, Elliot Christen, Phil Iverson, Gary Mineart, Jim Morrow, and Paul Scott for their volunteer service. A special thanks to Ward for his organization and leadership.
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
Rotary Roadside Clean-up Day 2017-04-15 05:00:00Z 0

DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Decorah Valentines"

The Decorah Rotary Club met once again for its "Fifth Tuesday" evening meeting, supper, and service project at T-Bock's Upstairs on January 31, 2017. The focus for this service project was the assembly of Valentine's Day gift bags destined for delivery to local Decorah-area businesses in appreciation for the services they provide to the local community. Our members assembled the bags and added personalized notes of appreciation. Many of the folks in attendance took custody of group of the gift bags and offered to make the local deliveries. The club extends its appreciation to DRC members Shannon Duncan and Lorraine Borowski for their planning and leadership of this project.
See additional photos of this event using this link: DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Decorah Valentines"
Photo Credit: Gary Mineart
DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Decorah Valentines" 2017-02-01 06:00:00Z 0

DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Operation Give Back"

The Decorah Rotary Club met for its traditional "Fifth Tuesday" evening meeting, supper, and service project at T-Bock's Upstairs on November 29, 2016. The service project for this meeting, expertly organized by DRC member Shannon Duncan, was called "Operation Give Back." The members in attendance assembled care packages containing a variety of comfort foods and items supplied by the members or acquired through dedicated member donations for shipment to enlisted military personnel from the local area who are currently stationed overseas. John Budweg, son of DRC member Ward Budweg and and former active duty U.S. Marine and veteran of two deployments to Iraq comprising over 14 months of duty, delivered a moving personal testimony of the deep gratitude and sense of connection experienced when care packages such as these are received by our deployed soldiers and sailors. We extend our sincere thanks to John and to all of the DRC members who contributed to this project.
See additional photos of this event using this link: DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Operation Give Back"
Photo Credits: Kelly Reagan, Shannon Duncan
DRC Fifth Tuesday Service Project - "Operation Give Back" 2016-11-30 00:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Service Trip to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

DRC members Ward Budweg and Darrell Branhagen, assisted by the planning efforts of DRC member Jeff Tomlinson, traveled to Msaranga in Moshi Urban, District of Kilimanjaro in the country of Tanzania, Africa in late August. Their trip was the culmination of the DRC service project to deliver expandable sandals and school supplies to the Msaranga Primary School for further distribution to children at several schools in the area. Over 120 pairs of sandals and 100+ pen/pencil sets were delivered to the Headmaster of the Msaranga Primary School, to the deep gratitude of the communities reached in the Moshi area.
Read the Rotary District 5970 news coverage of this project using this link: Shoe Project Pairs Decorah, Moshi Clubs
You may access the photo album associated with this story using this link: Rotary Service Trip to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Decorah Rotary Service Trip to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 2016-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

2016 Loop de Loop 5K/10K and Half-Marathon Results 

On behalf of the Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop team, thank you for participating in this year’s 5th annual event. We hope you enjoyed your time in Decorah on October 22. It turned out to be a beautiful day for being out on the trail. While the decision to postpone the races from the original September 24 date was difficult, it was the right thing to do given the flooding on the trail in September and out of respect for those seriously impacted by flooding and its ravages to personal and public property.
You can access the 2016 Loop de Loop photo album with this link: 2016 Loop de Loop 5K/10K and Half-Marathon
Photo credits: Paul Scott, Maureen Duncklee
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. It may be needed repairs, new benches, landscaping or other amenities. This year the Rotary Board has pledged a portion to helping those in need because of the flooding. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2016 complete race results may be found on this link:
A year-end participant’s survey may be found on this link. Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah:
Thank you very much and here’s to 2017 - see you on the trail!
2016 Loop de Loop 5K/10K and Half-Marathon Results 2016-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Seed Planting Service Project Bears Fruit

Earlier this year the Decorah Rotary Club executed a service project consisting of the planting of seeds and initial cultivating of the seedlings for delivery to several of the local area assisted living facilities.
The following message was recently received from Andrea Hexom, Activity Services Director at Aase Haugen Senior Services:  "Thanks again for the flowers and plants you dropped off this spring.  I would like you to know how much everyone enjoyed watching them grow.  Our residents ate the squash for dinner today!  We had a ton of squash from just a couple of plants!"
Thanks again to everyone involved in the project, and especially fellow Rotarians Shannon Duncan and Ward Budweg for their leadership efforts.
Photo credits: Andrea Hexom
Decorah Rotary Seed Planting Service Project Bears Fruit 2016-10-17 00:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Brat Cookout at Pulpit Rock Brewery

Thanks to all of the Decorah Rotarians who volunteered their time and talents at the Bratwurst Cookout on Saturday, October 15. This was the inaugural hosting by Pulpit Rock Brewery for this recurring fundraiser, with many new happy patrons served by our group. Thanks again!
Decorah Rotary Brat Cookout at Pulpit Rock Brewery 2016-10-16 00:00:00Z 0
DRC Celebrates the 100th Birthday of the Rotary Foundation 2016-10-10 00:00:00Z 0
District 5970 Awards Trout Run Trail Matching Grant to the Decorah Rotary Club 2016-10-05 00:00:00Z 0
September 24th Loop de Loop Postponed 2016-09-23 00:00:00Z 0

Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2016

140 local residents enjoyed motorized tours of the renowned Trout Run Trail, courtesy of the Decorah Rotary Club's second Trout Run Trail Tour Day held on Tuesday, August 23rd. This event represents the only time motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail. It provided an opportunity for seniors and others with physical limitations to enjoy all of the sights along the trail. The event also included picnic lunch and free helmet and bike bell installations. The club thanks all of the volunteers and sponsors who made this special day possible.
See more photos of the day's activities at this link: DRC Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2016
Photo credits: Paul Scott
Decorah Rotary Club Trout Run Trail Tour Day 2016 2016-08-28 00:00:00Z 0

Saving lives in Ghana

What is it like taking a large team to Africa?  It has probably been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. In mid February, I began leading Rotary members from all over the East Coast of the United States through Ghana. I’ve tried to give the team a warm Ghanaian welcome like I’ve received on my earlier trips. A large trip is a real blessing because each person sees Ghana and our work in a different way.
Saving lives in Ghana 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Finding Safe Haven

For years, Angalia Bianca had slept in abandoned buildings throughout Chicago. She stole. She did drugs. She spent time in and out of jail for forgery, theft, trespassing, and possession of narcotics. But after she landed in prison for the seventh time, something changed -- Bianca knew she wanted a better life. She just didn’t know how to make it happen.
Finding Safe Haven 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Helping people with disabilities make their own music

Music has been an important part of leading an ordinary life for students at the Music School for Children With Disabilities in Honor of Paul Harris in Lublin, Poland. Founded by Rotary members, the school serves 20 students with various disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. The Rotary Club of Lublin-Centrum-Maria Curie-Sklodowska has provided funding with help from Rotary Foundation Matching Grants and the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society, which houses the school.
Helping people with disabilities make their own music 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

India celebrates three years without polio

Throughout India and around the world, Rotary clubs are celebrating a major milestone: India has gone three years without a new case of polio. The last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal on 13 January 2011. To mark this historic triumph, Rotary clubs illuminated landmarks and iconic structures throughout the country with four simple but powerful words, "India is polio free."
India celebrates three years without polio 2014-02-26 00:00:00Z 0